Affirmative Action : Is It Still Needed
In the United States justice is defined as equal treatment of all its citizens under the law. When one citizen is mistreated an injustice has been committed against all people. Affirmative Action is a program whose purpose is to make sure that citizens are treated equally by enforcing a set of policies which are designed to promote the inclusion of all individuals regardless of race, disability, sex, or religion. In the United States democracy we are all equal, but some groups have been enjoying more advantages in society than others for centuries. Current statistics show the depth of modern day racial gaps, which are rooted in historical discrimination and modern-day structural racism. Generations of nominal disadvantages have created large barriers to opportunity for many minority groups. It is a very controversial issue in the United States’ society today, some regards it as a step forward to an equal workforce and educational sector as well as society and others as a step back and also reverse racism and think that it has already served its purpose. The need for Affirmative Action has been a hot topic in American society for many years; many argue that it is not needed in our society today because the playing field has been leveled. Affirmative action has proved its need in society over and over again. Discrimination of women in the workplace m denial of admission to college, refusal to hire based on race, are all current issues in our society. Affirmative action is a major necessity in modern day America because of underlying discrimination, social
Swindell 2 limitations of minorities groups, and the advancements and great strides it has made towards more diverse businesses and educationally. Before you can fully understand why Affirmative Action is needed today you first need to know the history behind it and what prompted its establishment as one of the biggest steps towards equality today. Affirmative action was originally instituted as an appendage