BIO 260
Dr. Wechman
Sept. 5, 2014
Affordable Care Act Opinion
I do not support the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare, has some good arguments and some bad. Reporters on television and online media sites place untruthful statements about Obamacare to help those involved. However, I also believe that it is great that all people will have health care coverage at some point and that you can not be turned down for coverage. They say there is help for those that can't afford it but there are many that wont be able to afford other things like their medication. Elderly people have a great drawback when it comes to this. If you are in the property level then there is Medicaid for you. But the problem is getting people off Medicaid. I know that the idea was to get better healthcare for those that have insurance and to get insurance for those that don't have any. Personally, I know from my mother, who is in the healthcare field, that many abuse obamacare.
In some way I support the fact that you can keep your child on your insurance until they are the age of 26. As a teenage college student, this act helps my young peers, along with our parents and me. I also agree with the free preventive services that will help many that need it. The problem is that there is so much included in this plan that is hard to understand and most Americans won't even try to understand it before they go to enroll in Obamacare. However, hopefully the reform act will save lives that could not get health care and some Americans can save money on their healthcare. Truthfully, time will tell if it really works.
Also, along with the information that people do not understand… Misleading information and poor coverage is confusing the public about Obamacare. Considering all the purposely-misleading information we are being exposed to about Obamacare from politicians and special interests with an obvious agenda, it will be vitally important for