1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..…....1
2 Base for the Use of Drones…………………………………………………..………..2
3 Nature of Pak-Afghan Border, Its Effect …………………………………..…….….2
4 Drones, Importance in Targeting Terrorist…………………………………………3
5 Controversy Regarding Application of IHL on Drone Attacks …………….……..4
6 Changing Nature of Afghan Conflit……………………………………………….....5
7 Manners of Attacks by Militants and Combatant Status………………………..….7
8 Where IHL Applies? And Status of Drones In Pakistani Territory……………………………………………………………………….……..8
9 Harold H. Koh’s stance and its Legal Implications…………………………………11
10 Drones,A matter of IHL………………………………………………………………12
11 Transnational Armed Conflict And Drones……………………………………….…12
12 The Tadic Case: Application of IHL on non state actors in Transnational Armed conflict …………………………………………………….…14
13 Doess Pakistan’s Inability to Trace and Attack Militant
Justifies Drone Attacks?........................................................................................................17
14 Victims of Drones under IHL………………………………………………………..17
15 Basic Principles of IHL and Their Observance in Drone Attacks…………….........19
16 Principal of proportionality and Distinction………………………………….…….19 17 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….…22
Introduction: Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,And American starting Global War on Terror and attacks on Afghanistan in persuit of AL-QAEDA and TALIBAN as they were alleged to be involved in attacks of 9/11.Pakistan being a neighboring state also got effected by this war and a series of Suicide bombing started due to Pakistan’s alliance with American as frontline strategic partner in this war .Similarly more dangerous area in Pakistan was Tribal Areas along Afghan boarder
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