
Afghan War to Drone Attacks: Legality Under Ihl

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Afghan War to Drone Attacks: Legality Under Ihl
1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..…....1
2 Base for the Use of Drones…………………………………………………..………..2
3 Nature of Pak-Afghan Border, Its Effect …………………………………..…….….2
4 Drones, Importance in Targeting Terrorist…………………………………………3
5 Controversy Regarding Application of IHL on Drone Attacks …………….……..4
6 Changing Nature of Afghan Conflit……………………………………………….....5
7 Manners of Attacks by Militants and Combatant Status………………………..….7
8 Where IHL Applies? And Status of Drones In Pakistani Territory……………………………………………………………………….……..8
9 Harold H. Koh’s stance and its Legal Implications…………………………………11
10 Drones,A matter of IHL………………………………………………………………12
11 Transnational Armed Conflict And Drones……………………………………….…12
12 The Tadic Case: Application of IHL on non state actors in Transnational Armed conflict …………………………………………………….…14
13 Doess Pakistan’s Inability to Trace and Attack Militant
Justifies Drone Attacks?........................................................................................................17
14 Victims of Drones under IHL………………………………………………………..17
15 Basic Principles of IHL and Their Observance in Drone Attacks…………….........19
16 Principal of proportionality and Distinction………………………………….…….19 17 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….…22

Introduction: Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,And American starting Global War on Terror and attacks on Afghanistan in persuit of AL-QAEDA and TALIBAN as they were alleged to be involved in attacks of 9/11.Pakistan being a neighboring state also got effected by this war and a series of Suicide bombing started due to Pakistan’s alliance with American as frontline strategic partner in this war .Similarly more dangerous area in Pakistan was Tribal Areas along Afghan boarder

Bibliography: * Barindge,Robert.”A Qualified Defense Of Drone Attacks In Northwest Pakistan Under International Humanitarian Law”Boston University International Law Review.30(2012) * Evans,Malcolm D.International Law.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003. * “Mapping US Drone and Islamic Militant Attacks in Pakistan”, BBC NEWS (July 22, 2010) * Lewis,Michel * Basak, Chiradeep.”Legality Over Drone Attacks From The Facet Of IHL”(2012) available at * Solomon,Erika & Mohammed Ghobari, CIA Drone Kills U.S.-born Al Qaeda Cleric in Yemen, REUTERS(sep 2011) * Michael W * Prosecutor v. Tadi´c, Case No. IT-94-1-A, Appeals Chamber, 84 (Int’l Crim. Trib. for the Former Yugoslavia July 15, 1999) * Prosecutor v * Hamdan v. Rumsfeld 584 U.S.557 (2006) * Boumedine v * “Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Joins in the Condemnation” DAWN(18,March,2011) * Democratic Republic of Congo v * ”The Year of the Drone: An Analysis of U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan” 2004-2012”. NEW AMERICAN FOUNDATION. * “Mapping US Drone and Islamic Militant Attacks in Pakistan”, BBC NEWS (July 22, 2010) [ 4 ]. Robert P. Barnidge.Jr,”A Qualified Defense of American Drone Attacks In Northwest Pakistan Under International Humanitarian Law ”,Boston University International Law Journal.30/409(2012),416 [ 5 ] [ 13 ]. Chiradeep Basak , Legality Over Drone Attacks From The Facet Of IHL(2012),3 available at Trib. for the Former Yugoslavia July 15, 1999). [ 35 ]. Prosecutor v. Boskoski, Case No. IT-04-82-T, Judgment, at 78– 93 (Int’l Crim.Trib. for the Former Yugoslavia July 10, 2008. [ 46 ]. ICRC, PROTOCOL ADDITIONAL TO THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS OF 12 AUGUST 1949, AND RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF INTERNATIONAL ARMED CONFLICTS (PROTOCOL I), 8 JUNE 1977 480 (Yves Sandoz, Christopher Swinarski & Bruno Zimmermann eds., 1987).

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