I choose Afghanistan to write about because we have had so much going on with that country and my boyfriend is reading a book on the crisis in Islam so I thought it would give us something interesting to talk about! Afghanistan is located in the middle east of the world. There exact spot is 35°north and 65° east. It is surrounded by Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. Afghanistan is slightly smaller than the size of Texas and has an estimated population of 28,717,213. The land is mostly mountains and desert so it is hard to grow food and it is very hot. It is a semi arid climate with temperate grassland where they have nomadic herding with little or no activity. (US Department of State)
Afghanistan is not a stable government this country is always fighting and can never seem to find peace, which causes economic and social problems to all of the citizens of Afghanistan. In the last year, after the defeat of the Taliban, the people in Afghanistan have established a government through a President named Hamid Karzai. Ethnic and political rivalries plague the country, warlords military power has increased and anti Americanism is strong as tribes in the east and south feel distanced and victimized by the Kabul government and U.S. forces.(Rashid)
President Bush, who leads the way in trying to establish a stable state in Afghanistan, seems more concerned with the military and intelligence war on Al Queda rather than forming a political and economic strategy, which might stabilize the fragile government and start a reconstruction era. Behind Bush 's administration is the failure of the international population to deliver on key pledges made to stabilize Kabul and five other major cities and to contribute reconstruction funds. (Rashid)
Personally I feel that if we concentrated more on stabilizing the Afghan people with a firm central government first while keeping Al
Cited: Rashid, Ahmed. (2000) Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press Dwyer, G. (2003,December,29).Overhaul of Afghanistan 's Statistics will Help Poverty Reduction Efforts. ADB, Afghanistan (2004) The World Factbook: CIA. Retrieved February 17, 2005 from, Bureau of South Asian Affairs (2004,December). Background Note: Afghanistan. U.S. Department of State, UNHCR (2001,September,10) Afghan Refugee Statistics, UNICEF (2001) State of the World 's Children 2001. Retrieved February 17, 2005 from, USAID (2005) Afghanistan, CARE (2005) Afghanistan,