If America leaves Afghanistan without leaving a stable government a vicious cycle may start anew. In 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Since the U.S. was going through the cold war we went to Afghanistan to help force the Soviets back. We eventually did and the Soviets left, but so did America. We left Afghanistan in shambles. They had no government and half the country was destroyed. This was why in 1991, the Taliban was able to swoop in and take over the country. Now we are basically fighting the war the same way. Larry Goodson from the Eurasia Review claims, “McChrystal’s focus on the key population centers is very similar to the ineffective city-centric strategy followed 25 years earlier by the Soviets.” (Goodson 2011). Though Afghanistan should be left with a governmental system, it need not be democratic. The Soviet Union wanted to make Afghanistan communist and it didn’t work out for them. Peter Beaumont from the The Guardian writes, “ It was an error repeated by the US-led efforts to rebuild the country as a democratic state” (Beaumont 2009). Referencing us trying to turn Afghanistan into a
Bibliography: Beaumont, Peter. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited. October 17, 2009. www.guardian.com.uk/world.2009/oct/18/afghan-war-soviet-invasion-mistakes (accessed October 4, 2011). Beinart, Peter. "Daily Beast Company." The Daily Beast. May 1, 2011. www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/05/02/osama-bin-ladens-death-time-to-end-war-on-terror.html (accessed October 4, 2011). Goodson, Larry. Eurasia Review. April 26, 2011. www.eurasiareview.com/26042011-parallels-with-past-how-soviets-lost-in-afghanistan-how -us-is-losing-analysis/ (accessed October 4, 2011). James, Frank. NPR. NPR. September 16, 2009. www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2009/09/afghan_armies_90_percent_illite.html (accessed October 4, 2011). Koofi, Fawzia. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited. October 4, 2011. www.guardian.co.uk/commemtisfree/2011.oct/04/dreams-afghan-women-taliban-rights (accessed October 4, 2011). Members, Commission. c-span.org. www.c-span.org/pdf/911finalreportexecsum.pdf (accessed October 4, 2011). PBS. PBS. THIRTEEN. September 11, 2007. www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/episodes/a-woman-among-warlords/womens-rights-in-the-taliban-and-post-taliban-eras/66/ (accessed October 4, 2011). Project, National Priorities. Cost of War. National Priorities Project. 1983. http://www.costofwar.com/en/ (accessed October 4, 2011).