The United States of American is the greatest country in the world and because of that, the attraction for terrorism is always a concern. On September 11, 2001, the concern became reality when the world trade centers were attacked by terrorists and as a result, thousands of Americans lost their lives. America reacted by launching anti-Taliban operations, the first starting in Iraq then in Afghanistan. The first mission was Operation Iraqi Freedom. The purpose of this mission was to remove Saddam Hussein from leadership and support the anti-Taliban operations. Next we launched another mission but it was in Afghanistan with the same objective to support the anti-Taliban operations especially since that 's where …show more content…
Are wars even supposed to have ethics? War ethics are important because a lot of people don 't even know they exist or if people even follow them. Civilized nations established the Humanitarian law; it is a law regarding how to confront enemies in a semi civilized way and mandates the treatment of prisoners of war (Masci 1013). This law is what raises a lot of hairs on religious leaders and causes anger since they feel that this law is not abided by. It seems that religion and war always tends to go along with war. Whether the wars are started by religions or its religious leaders having problems with how the wars are being fought. The law also states how prisoners are to be tried in the judicial system and if they are to have their trial in civilian or military courts. The main purpose of this law was an effort to control violence or even stop it. Another big factor of having this law the requirement it puts on governments to assess situations before they even start a war to make sure there is an imminent threat. On the down side, a lot of government officials feel that this law weakens the U. S. because of the peacekeeping could create backfires and end in war anyway. War ethics do exist and there will always be people who believe they are not followed. The people who follow or don 't follow these ethics will always stand out in one way or …show more content…
Since September 11, 2001, we have been at war in the Middle East supporting the anti-Taliban efforts through operation Iraqi Freedom and fighting in Afghanistan. Though it seems that these wars are never ending, it 's important to remember that the cost of our freedom is never ending. There is always a reason for war; otherwise there would never be war. Soldiers will always have to fight whether people agree the decisions of the government or not. With war also comes the affects it has on the war fighters, so making sure the proper care of them should always be top priority. Even though many people disagree with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it 's vital that we support our troops by considering why they are at war, ensuring they get proper care, and giving them the recognition they deserve. Always remember that a simple thank you or hand shake goes a long way when you want to make someone know that they are