The Oxford Dictionary defines a slave as “ a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.” From the fourteen to eighteenth century the enslavement of Africans disturbed the world in a very significant way. Slavery has been around in the world for as long as history has documented, however African slavery is unique. Unlike ever before the enslavement of Africans was primarily based upon skin color. The African slave trade was dissimilar from previous slavery that had been observed because, before men and women who were enslaved were tied to the land they work on, not owned by individuals. The enslavement of Africans affected history on a micro level by taking people from …show more content…
Abdul Rahman was born into a very wealthy and political family, and around the age of twenty, he was captured and enslaved to a Mississippi slaveholder. In a narrative written about Abdul Rahman’s life, it discuss the political position his family held, and why this was so important, “Alman Abrahim, the uncle of the first prince, was the king. He became insane and was deposed. The father of the Prince, by the same name was succeeded to the throne.” This quote shows that Abdul Rahmas would next take throne because the African political system was a monarchy. Ayuba Sulieman Diallo, better known as JOB, was born around 1710 and was captured in his mid twenties on a trading journey and enslaved for two years in Maryland. After Ayuba Sulieman Diallo was freed in 1712 he changed his name to JOB. This is significant because it shows that he changed his identity in a way. In a similar document, like the one narrating Adbul Rahams life, JOB’s life is discussed and how “ About fifty Years ago Hibrahim, The Grandfather of JOB, founded the town if Boonda in the Reign of Bubaker, the King of Futa, and was by his permission sale Lord Proprietor and Governor of it.” This quote shows that African slave trade moved individual’s social status, because enslavement did not only dominate one social …show more content…
Although slavery was common in the fourteen hundreds, African slavery in particular was unique. The enslavement of these people was not by their own country, but by others and based upon the color of our skin. Since the enslavement of Africans we have come a long way. People of African decent are no longer treated differently because of their skin pigmentation, for the most part. We now have a President of African decent, because of the effects, both negative and positive; our world is still impacted every