African Americans are a group who can be treated very differently than the average American citizen. Many African Americans live in unsafe urban cities. For many generations the majority of African Americans haven’t been shown how to be good citizens and behave rightly towards others, those are some of the reasons many of them live the way they do. In Frankenstein, Victor’s monster is treated with disdain by the family who the monster, although unknown to the family, had been living near some time (Shelly, pg. 247). The NCAAP said that, “One out of six black men have been incarcerated as of 2001. If this continues to be true, one out of three black males born today can expect to spend some …show more content…
There are an excessive amount of illegal immigrants in the United States today. However; whether the Hispanics are illegal immigrants or are here legally they have some large disadvantages. According to The Future of Children, “Hispanic mothers, report more uncertainty and domestic violence than white parents do…The gap between cohabiting mothers is even higher, with 32 percent of Hispanic mothers reporting violence as compared with 6 and 7 percent of white and African American mothers.” (Princeton, Brookings. Pg. 21). The Hispanics need to become a more strong and healthy ethnic