
African Americans In The 20th Century

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African Americans In The 20th Century
Overtime, Americans have learned that in order to make a change and progress society, they must stand up for what they believe in. Without individuals who fight for freedom, our world would not be where it is today. Specifically, the 20th century was a time when blacks finally stood up against society for their freedom against black codes and separation. A plethora amount of brave individuals changed the world as we know it today by fighting the fight that should have been fought a long time ago. After the NAACP was founded in 1909, it urged and drove whites crazy since it was one step closer to black freedom. Laws that marked future freedom for blacks caused whites to riot and do harsh things to stop the progression of blacks. However, these riots were brutal and extremely harsh, but that did not change the mind set of African Americans. …show more content…
decided it was time to put a end to this absurd separation between the different colors of skin. Using Nonviolent protest, King Jr. stood up for the oppressed government and advocated a change to these laws. His protest gained popularity and showed everyone how one voice can make a change. One evening his peaceful resistance led him to go to jail in Birmingham, Alabama. According to authority, there was a law that stated that no protests were allowed in that particular area. Although the situation may be seen as harsh, it created a revival and movement in MLKs mind. He wrote a letter called "A Letter From Birmingham Jail" which conveyed his passion and right for protesting what he believes in. Not only did he fight for freedom non-aggressively, but he progressed and changed society for every single individual for the rest of history. Not only did men participate in the movement towards freedom, Rosa Parks sat in her section of the bus and simply told the whites that she was not moving. Her bravery and passiveness proves to the world that nonviolence can make a

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