13. Where was the location of a Woolworth’s lunch counter that sparked the “sit-in” movement for civil rights? Greensboro, NC/ A&T University…
Those many protests of the 1950s led to a larger civil rights movement a decade later. The Brown case was brought about by Oliver Brown, who argued that his daughter was forced to walk across a dangerous railroad each day rather than going to school close by, which was restricted to whites only. This was the time to attack the unfair doctrine of “separate but equal.” Segregation was said to be “inherently unequal since it stigmatized” one group of people as incapable to associate with the other group (Foner, Edition 4, Page 962). Black children received life-long damage because their self-esteem was undermined by segregation. After going back and forth arguing about this case, a decision was made that “separate but equal” no longer has a place…
He exclaims that for years every person who has been segregated has heard the word “Wait!” and that this “Wait!” has always meant “Never” (2). King reveals that he has seen violent mobs lynch mothers and fathers at will and drown sisters and brothers at whim. He has seen hate filled policemen curse, kick and kill. He has seen a majority of twenty million people being smothered in an airtight cage of poverty due to segregation. King knows what is like to be harried by day, haunted by night, living at a tiptoe stance being plagued with inner fears and outer resentments all while fighting a sense of “nobodiness” (3). King articulates that this is why it is difficult to do any waiting when it comes to being segregated. (2-3).…
Dr. King also appeals to the sympathetic side of the clergymen when he tells them why his cause cannot ‘wait’ for their ‘constitutional God-given rights”. He goes on to write of why it would be easy for those who never experienced segregation to say wait, but for those who have experienced segregation, it is difficult to wait. Dr. King explains that those who experience segregation find it hard to wait after seeing witness their mothers, fathers lynched by mobs, their brothers and sisters drowned, and beaten and even killed by police officers. And how it feels…
“Why We Cant Wait” is Martin Luther King Jr.’s third book. He told of all the problems African American activists faced in 1963. “Why We Cant Wait” stresses the change African Americans wanted NOW. This book showed an unique personal look on non-violence protesting that was so important in the 60s to all “negro” communities. This book features aspects from MLKs other writings including Letter From Birmingham Jail. “Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, ‘Wait.’ But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim…when you see the vast majority of twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky…when you take a cross-country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you…when…your wife and mother are never given the respected title ‘Mrs.’…when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of ‘nobodiness’—then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair.”(Letter From Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963)…
Racial segregation has been an American tradition since the Constitution was ratified back in 1789; granting only white, property owning men as whole citizens. The cases of Plessy vs. Ferguson, an Brown vs. Board of Education have broken this tradition to send off a wave of additional cases during the civil rights movement in the 1960’s. Brave men and women who fought against society have brought this issue into the light, granting them the ability to let equality revolutionize itself since slaves were freed.…
Zoot suits, associated with the Mexican race, consisted of a long jacket that reached almost to the knees, pants with a "tight stuff cuff", a "wide, flat hat, and Dutch-toe shoes" (Berger 193). These zoot suits were worn by the Mexican youth who were accused of murder on August 2, 1942. People claimed that Jose Diaz was murdered by a gang that had broken up a party at Sleepy Lagoon ranch located close to Los Angeles. However, even though the lower court did convict them of murder, two years later the district court of appeals took that decision back by stating that there was not enough good evidence and that most of that decision was made based on prejudice issues. This incident became known as the "Sleepy Lagoon Affair" and was made an international topic, especially when it was made to look like Americans were making it a point to harm Latin-American citizens. Afterwards, the "Sleepy Lagoon Affair" opened the doorway to much more discrimination against Mexicans and brought many more riots to Los Angeles between Mexicans and Americans (Gorn 183).…
In the 1960’s many things were off limits to African-Americans. They weren’t revered as equals and suffered greatly because of it. There’s an unfamiliar case to most that took place in Louisiana that helped shaped the use of public facilities for all people. This case is known as Brown v. Louisiana. The Audubon Regional Library in Clinton, Louisiana, Parish of East Feliciana did not serve blacks. Blacks, at that time, were expected to use one of two bookmobiles. The red bookmobile served whites and the blue bookmobile served blacks. On March 7, 1964, five young African-American males entered the adult reading room and one of the men, Brown, requested a book called, “The Story of the Negro,” by Arna Bontemps. The assistant librarian checked the card catalogue and discovered that the library did not have the book. She told Brown that she would request it from the state library and he could either have it mailed to his home address or he could pick it up from the bookmobile. After the men had been given the news about the book they sat down quietly. After the men failed to leave the library, the assistant librarian requested that they go. They did not. Brown sat down while the others stood nearby. The assistant librarian then went to the head librarian who requested them to leave as well. Again, they did not. A few moments later, the…
Since its early days as a nation, the United States has had a reputation for glossing over its mistreatment and oppression of people of color, especially African Americans. Not aiding matters is White Americans turning a blind eye to the injustices faced by minorities. Despite several advancements that have come since for POC in America, including the outlawing of segregation and the election of the first Black President, this country is still far from perfect when it comes to resolving racial issues. And even as remarkable black scholars and activists have been trying to reach out to Caucasian communities to make a difference, the message has yet to fully be comprehended 150+ years after the abolition of slavery and 50+ years following the…
In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential and significant civil rights movement figure, delivered a strong message defending African American’s necessity of demanding civil rights and arguing reformation of unjust laws. Since the very beginning of slavery in U.S., African Americans have not been able to escape from practices of dehumanization. When hope had finally shone along with the abolishment of slavery, a shadow followed as this minority community was being labeled as “colored” and found themselves trapped into an era of segregation. The Jim Crow laws that enforced the ideology “separate but equal” in U.S. public facilities were so dominant that, even after it was abolished, a concept of…
Racial segregation and racism is one of the world’s major issues today. Many people are unaware of how much racism still exists in schools and anywhere else where social lives are occurring. It’s obvious that racism is not a good thing as many decades ago, but it is still occurring in society, and especially in schools, even though the government abolished it several decades ago. Two articles—“Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” by Beverly Tatum and “From Still Separate, Still Unequal: America’s Educational Apartheid” by Jonathan Kozol—present two opposite views on the inequality in public schools. On the one hand, Tatum focuses on African- American racial identity development and the role of race in classrooms with…
Compassion fatigue is not a new concept. As long as individuals have needed help, people have come to the rescue. Originally it was identified in social workers, as they see sad, sometimes devastating situations that they must deal with on a daily basis. In 1992, Joinson identified the concept of compassion fatigue in nursing. According to Potter, Deshields, Divanbeigi, Berger, Cipriano, Norris & Olsen, (2010), Joinson identified behaviors that were characteristic of compassion fatigue, including chronic fatigue, irritability, dread going to work, aggravation of physical ailments, and a lack of joy in life. Dr. Charles Figley expanded on the concept and more formally defined compassion fatigue in 1995. Figley explained compassion fatigue as…
In America, centuries have evolved and the people acknowledge that there are continuous issues in the struggle of Black identity. These issues have been witnessed in jobs, schools, restaurants, neighborhoods, etc. Evolving since slavery, leaders in the Black community wrote motivational speeches and literary narratives. These expositions promptly exposed and articulated the inhumane oppression inflicted on the African American race.…
and integrated into one’s daily life. The education system was severely biased, public services often refused to attend to African Americans. For instance, most were forced out of their seats on buses or denied entry into restaurants, simply due to the color of their skin. Although this behavior was deemed unconstitutional it still continued in southern states. The ability to get away with segregation was heavily abused by businesses and law officials, who often went out of their way to defend their acts or let their actions go without explanation.…
Between all these years, there were a number of issue and problems that this particular community has faced, including slavery, racial discrimination, reconstruction, participation in the military conflicts of America, development of the Afro-American community and the Civil Right Movement. Racial discrimination is one of the most sensitive issues, considered in the present day American society (Belgrave, Allison, 2009, pp. 121-127). A number of agencies and programs are operational ensuring the protection of the rights of minorities. However, there are some schools of thought that claim the suppression of their rights in the present day society, on the basis of racial discrimination. We will consider the current policies and trends that are prevalent in the country for the protection and prevention of such issues and identify…