The male wild dog usually weighs 44-55 pounds and 24-30in in shoulder height, The females are usually 3%-7% smaller than males. You can tell wild dogs are different than wolves because of their distinct color they have, their fur is a orange-yellow fur overlapping their black fur. It has some yellow fur on the back of the ears and mostly yellow fur on its stomach.
The african wild dog usually eats small rodents like mice,hares,birds, cane rats, porcupines, and a thompson's gazelle, the dogs in a pack can consume a thompson's gazelle in 15 minutes.
The wild dog protects itself using its sharp teeth
and sticking with its pack to help keep its strength up because without its pack It would not be able to Kill anything larger Than the dog itself.
When wild dogs breed the male dog sexes with the breeding female. The breeding female gives birth about once a year and she has about 10 pups and she can have as many as 19 pups as the record. Usually twice as many male pups are born than female pups.The pups are born in a shelter of thick grass, brush, or in a hole. The pack feeds the pups by regurgitating the hunt the pack caught.
What are the wild dogs predators and why are they endangered? The wild dogs predators are lions, hyenas, and finally humans, In the early time of life for humans hunt the wild dogs for their pelt and meat. That is why the wild dogs are close to being extinct.
The African wild dog is found in parts all over Africa but, They are mostly found in south east Africa because they are endangered and it is hard to find the African wild dog in Africa now But you can still find the African wild dogs in most places in Africa.