
After Creating the Database Schema, Use Insert, Update, and Delete Commands to Populate the Tables with the Following Information. Notice That the Values for the Primary Key Columns (Classid in the Classes Table,

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After Creating the Database Schema, Use Insert, Update, and Delete Commands to Populate the Tables with the Following Information. Notice That the Values for the Primary Key Columns (Classid in the Classes Table,
After creating the database schema, use Insert, Update, and Delete commands to populate the tables with the following information. Notice that the values for the primary key columns (ClassId in the Classes table, AdvisorId in the Advisors table and StudentId in the Students table) are not listed. It is assumed that they will be “Identity” or “Auto-increment” columns and the DBMS will determine the proper identity value when the row is inserted.
You may have to either modify your original data types for some of your table columns or modify the values below to fit your data types. For example, if you defined your gender column to be a 1-character column, you will need to use the values M or F instead of Male and Female. The IsActive column is another column that may require different values, depending on the type of DBMS used.

Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Students 5
Advisors 7
Classes 9
Students_Classes 11
EER Model 14
Modification of class 15
Modification of Students Table 17
Data Entered In Classes 18
Data Entered in Advisor Table 20
Data entered in Students Table 22
Deleted Investments from the system 23
Change of birthdate and GPA 24
Question #1 26
Question #2 27
Question #3 28
Question #4 29
Question #5 30
Question #6 31
Question #7 32
Reference: 33


In this document there will be an illustration of how to make tables and connecting them with the relationship in a diagram. This information will be worked in MySQL and below will have screenshots to help understand the process. Also throughout this document that will be data types listed some of these are Bit, Int, VarChar, Decimal, and Date (Kinter, 2012).


The students table is the first table that will be inserted in MySql. Once the application is up and running it is important to include the StudentID, FirstName, LastName, Birthdate, Gender, StartDate, GPA, IsActive, Bio, and AdvisorID. The StudentID is the primary key for this table and it is

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