They need to question the child on what they are discovering, encourage them to find more ways to solve a problem and to support and listen to them throughout the day. By setting up activities for a small group to participate in, it allows children to cooperate and support those who may need more assistance…
By helping promote these we are setting a routine and helping build hand eye coordination. If we make activities fun children will want to participate and not see them as tasks. It can also help teach the children numeracy and sequencing by matching colures and counting. By helping teach children some simple skills we are helping them build their life skills.…
In my oppion it is more important to provide children with free time to engage in imaginative and creative play, than to ensure that children participate in organized activities.…
Practitioners should effectively plan activities to give children the opportunity to explore, discover and investigate an activity example could be taken place outside as there is many types of nature that children will find fascinating, from activities such as this the child will gain their personal ‘understanding of the world’. When learning through play this gives the child motivation and potential as they are enjoying what they are doing. From play the child gains the confidence to approach tasks willingly and feel they are able to ‘try’ without the fear of failure. The importance of socialising is so that the child can improve their communication and language but also they are able to learn from their peers and are able to work effectively as a group, children gain the confidence to share their ideas and wishes with trusted people around them and sharing their own ideas and input into the activity giving the child a feeling of importance and knowing they are being listened to improves their…
Recess is a time in which every child in America experienced and enjoyed at one point in their lifetime. Look back to your own childhood: how important was recess and play time to you? Banning recess in elementary schools has been an important topic of debate for most school districts around the country. As stated by the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines recess as ‘regularly scheduled periods within the elementary school day for unstructured physical activity and play’” (Murray and Ramstetter 183). Almost half of all school districts have shifted…
"Your recess, your art, your music, your PE- those are things that are created for children's interest as well as their learning. Those may be the very reason children love coming to school. For some children, recess is the only area of school day is which they really excel.. If you take that away you really are hurting the child." Rhonda Clements. Art, music, and PE is more one of the most important things for a children. So to leave art, music and PE in public schools would be beneficial for children's health and mental development.…
I want longer recess. It helps us focus during class. we need longer recess or we can’t focus during class. We need to get all our energy out. Playing helps develop physical skills.…
We have more children growing up today with disabilities and diseases caused by poor health and exercise then we have ever had before. The percent of kids that are overweight or unhealthy compared to 30 years ago has more than tripled in all ages. “The prevalence of obesity in children ages 2-5 increased from 4.8 percent in 1971-74 to 12.1 percent in 2009-2010. For 6–11 year old children, the prevalence of obesity increased from 4.0 percent in 1971–74 to 18.0 percent in 2009–10. The prevalence of overweight in adolescents ages 12–19 increased from 6.1 percent to 18.4 percent” (American Heart Association). Children have been given less time to exercise and more excuses to be inside in front of technology. Then CNN did a study to show how much recess improves kid’s active levels. “A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that 42% of the nation's schoolchildren get most of their total daily exercise at recess -- more than do so in P.E. or after-school programs” (Denene Millner). We can’t rely on kids going outside at home because we don’t know their situation. We can rely on P.E, it is too structured to allow refreshing and social activity. We have to have recess for the future health of our…
With all of this information, I encourage recess in middle schools. Students can have a better learning experience after having daily exercise. Socializing is an important part of a child's life so that they can learn socializing habits. Bullying can be used as a learning experience for kids. Recess can be used in a positive…
Daniel, I agree that recess should be an important of school. It should not be used as a way to reward or punish students. I see many children spend their time on technology rather going outside. I remember when i was young my parents had to force me to come inside the house. Sadly, many parents parents are bringing their children to turn off the computer and go play outside. I feel school is the only place that children are most active at. And if schools has protocols that takes away recess, than they are only creating problems. Can you imagine as a college with seven hour class with no break? I would lose my mind.…
Activities and sports in schools is a great way for students to be involved, and to be active. I have done research and there hasn’t been one article I found on why sports shouldn’t be in schools. Having athletic programs and activities in schools are very helpful for students health, it develops team work, helps develop discipline and also perfection. School administrators, and parents, generally support high school activity programs because of the positive effect these activities appear to have on students of both genders. (Braddock P.1)…
“Recess is unique form, and a complement to, physical education—not a substitute for it,” according to the American Academy of Pediatrics(Council on School Health et al.) Recess isn’t something that can be replaced like it’s not important. Recess is a special break that elementary to high school students should have because it serves as physical education and exercise that students can find enjoyment out of and do better in school. The middle and high school students need recess because recess improves student’s behavior, social and emotional development, and academic achievement too.…
Ah recess, a kids favorite thing to do at school, it's a fun time to play and chat with friends. Do you thinks kids should have recess? I do, kids are always hyper because come on were kids we like to move. We can't just sit down with a cup of joe and watch the news, we have to run, play etc. My first reason is exercise.…
For one the parents would not have to be in a state of worry about whether their child is safe at home or in trouble. Plus you always have that added guilt about not being able to help your kids with their homework. Now with either longer days or more after school programs a lot of stress could be taken away from your family. No more having to pay for sitters which could stress out a families finances. Also the dangers of the kids being home and getting into trouble would be cut down severely. And also with the longer days or more after school programs parents would be able to get home, at least one parent would be home, to pick their kids off the bus.…
“After school, 14 million kids have no where to go because their school nor community can afford after school programs” (Keeping). One of the most important attributes of after school programs is that it provides a safe and friendly atmosphere for kids who have nowhere to go. Providing kids with a safe place to go will keep them away from drugs, crime and gangs. It has been proven that most juvenile crimes happen during after school hours. Instead of letting kids roam the streets after school, it is essential to provided them with special programs that improve their lives in all areas. “NYVPRC found that children who do not spend any time in after school activities are forty nine percent more likely to have used drugs and thirty seven percent…