Mrs. Padgett
English IV, Period 2
7 December 2010
After School Programs The impact that after school programs have on young children affects every aspect of their lives. Although some may feel after school programs are a waste of time and money, it has been proven that they improve children’s social and academic skills. Without these special designed programs, children may not be able to develop into the kinds of adults which will benefit society in the future. It is important that society understand the importance of after school programs. To cut back on after school programs to better the economy is only taking away from the children and opening new doors to them, which can ultimately lead them to jail or possibly death. After school programs not only teach kids important skills but give them a place to go during after school hours. “According to National Youth Violence Prevention Resource, nine out of ten Americans think that children should have access to after school programs but two out of three of parents say they have trouble finding local programs” (Keeping). After school programs benefit young children because they give them a social outlet, academic help, and organized recreation. “After school, 14 million kids have no where to go because their school nor community can afford after school programs” (Keeping). One of the most important attributes of after school programs is that it provides a safe and friendly atmosphere for kids who have nowhere to go. Providing kids with a safe place to go will keep them away from drugs, crime and gangs. It has been proven that most juvenile crimes happen during after school hours. Instead of letting kids roam the streets after school, it is essential to provided them with special programs that improve their lives in all areas. “NYVPRC found that children who do not spend any time in after school activities are forty nine percent more likely to have used drugs and thirty seven percent
Cited: “After school: Providing Multiple Benefits to Middle School Students.” Web. 04 November 2010. “Benefits Of After-School Programs.” Web. 04 November 2010. 108012.html Chavez, Eugene. Interview. 01 November 2010 “Childhood Obesity.” Web. 04 November 2010. “The Costs and Benefits of Afterschool Programs: Selected Research Findings.” Web. 04 November 2010. Benefits-of-Afterschool.PDF Hutton, Lindsay. “Keeping Your Child Safe: The Decline of After-School Programs Poses Risks to Kids.” Web. 04 November 2010. Parra