Huyssen highlights that the most significant Modernist “attack” on the æsthetic ideas of the self-sufficiency of high culture in the 19th century resulted from a discord of the independent modernist æsthetic within the post World War I revolutionary politics in Russia and Germany, and the increasingly rapid evolution of city life during the early 20th century. Huyssen asserts that the attack was known as the historical avant garde symbolising a new æsthetical approach, manifested in movements like expressionism, Berlin Dada, Russian constructivism, the post Russian Revolution proletkult and French Surrealism. The author ascribes this presence to a so-called “Great Divide” separating high art from mass culture, which he insists is imperative to the theoretical and historical understanding of modernism. The book Fin de Siécle and Its Legacy states that Huyssen’s thesis about postmodernity is highly debateable, and that artistic modernism can only be understood in relation to the developments that came after the emergence of new mass communications technologies from the time of
Bibliography: Eugéne Grasset. Accessed 17th October 2013. Edwards, Steve. Art and its Histories, A Reader. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999. Encyclopædia Britannica, Proletkult. Accessed 16th October 2013. Eskilson, Stephen. Graphic Design: A New History. 2nd ed. New Haven, Conneticut: Yale University Press, 2007. Accessed 17th October 2013. Heilbrun Timeline of Art History, Abstract Expressionism. Accessed 16th October 2013, Johnson, Eric C. and Chris Witten. Biography of Henri Toulouse Lautrec, 1864 – 1901. Accessed 17th October 2013. Fred S. Kleiner. Gardner 's Art Through the Ages. 13th ed. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2009. Presentation 6.1 – Social History and the Changing Meanings of the Avant Garde. Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design, 2013. Teich, Mikulas, and Roy Porter, eds. Fin de Siécle and Its Legacy. New York: University of Cambridge Press, 1993. Accessed 17th October 2013.