The short story “After twenty years” is a classical story written by O. Henry. The story is about the two characters that were actually best of friends. They grew up in New York until lost sight of each other. One of them leave the place and tried to live in West to make easy money, thus he ended up being a criminal in Chicago while the other man felt that his place in his hometown is better and he ended up as a policeman. The two friends made a promise that after twenty years both of them will meet again at the same restaurant for the purpose of knowing each achievements that they have done after those years. those years.
The story began at the specific place of their appointed place and time. It is nearly 10 o’clock at night and really dark out there. A policeman making his rounds, rattling door knobs to make sure everything is secure on his beat. In the doorway of a hardware store that is closed, he comes across a man who has an unlit cigar in his mouth. Before the officer can begin to question him, the man assures him that he is not a burglar that he is merely waiting for a friend. He goes on to light his cigar and tell the officer why he and his friend are meeting at such a dark and desolate place. The man, who is Bob, told him that he was waiting for a friend he has not seen for twenty years. Years before he and his friend had agreed to meet at the very spot to discuss how their life had turned out. The man keeps on telling to the policeman how his life turned out good that he actually became rich and successful. Talking about his best friend, he told the policeman that Jimmy will never fail to appear in their agreement for he has been a constant good companion. After saying all these to the policeman, the latter dismisses himself.
Twenty minutes after the policeman left, another man went to greet his friend Bob. Both of them cheered and make themselves comfortable with each other as they try to unleash the gap on their