
Afterlife In Islam Essay

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Afterlife In Islam Essay
In this paper, I will argue that the Islamic faith is very influential and what the followers believe about the afterlife shapes the culture and set a strong foundation for people to decide their life based on their decisions. In order to portray this foundation of willpower of deciding a person's fate in the Islamic religion I will go into detail of how Earth, Paradise, and Hell plays a key role in one’s afterlife.
The Earth plays a critical role on how the Islam faith is followed. There are many rules to to what Islam’s believe, and execution of this belief and rules is major when Judgement day comes around. On Judgement Day, God judges all the individuals on Earth deciding where they will spend rest of eternity living. Before this Judgement day begins a person is given the amount of time on earth to follow and submit to the one and only Allah(God). Allah is the creator of all creatures and following his word is exalted as one of the most important aspects of faith in this religion. Noah supports the ideology that rules need to be followed. Noah states that to God that “not [to] leave a single unbeliever on the earth” as this will causes more sinning and should be frowned upon. Noah looks at
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Earth plays a role by having rules and regulation that follower must follow. Heaven is the goal and desire to be obtained by those who follow God’s order. Hell is the punishment for not following God and is the worst pain to receive in the afterlife. In a deep understanding, God gives everyone the time and choice to listen to him. However, many choose to not follow God and live life with extreme pleasure, deciding their fate in the afterlife. Afterlife has many routes and can be decided simply by one’s

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