Student number: 21184301
Tutor: Peter Cross
Professional Pastry Techniques 1
Title: Afternoon Tea Report
Contents Page
Page Number
Introduction 3
Methodology 4
Current trends 5
The Science of Gluten 6
Gluten free afternoon tea 7
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
In this report investigations will be carried out to determine what the current trends in items served in afternoon teas are as well as the way in which afternoon tea is served. Other factors that will be looked at include the changing clientele of establishments that serve afternoon tea. The range in price and quality of afternoon teas around the country and the type of places that choose to offer afternoon tea will also be investigated. Now, afternoon tea has been around since the early nineteenth century when tea first started to become popular in the UK. It ‘s invention is often credited to the 7th Duchess of Bedford ( who it is thought used it to stave off a “mid afternoon sinking feeling”. This was most likely as a result of it being commonplace in these times to only eat 2 meals a day, Breakfast and dinner with dinner being commonly served as late as 9 in the evening. The solution to this was to have a small pot of tea, with a light snack, usually a sandwich or cake of some sort at around 4pm. This is still the traditional time for afternoon tea to be had and many afternoon teas are very careful to keep to traditional items when serving afternoon tea as it is seen as an important part of British history and culture. Some more modern places are keener to adapt and branch out as will be explained later on in the report.
To carry out this investigation research would need to be carried out into what afternoon teas are available and how they vary depending on factors like location, type and price. To this it was concluded a number of establishments would be chosen in
Bibliography: Tea and tourism: tourists, traditions and transformations (L, Jolliffe, 2007 | | Teas of the world (N,H Woodward, 1980) The rough guide to London (R, Humphreys, B, Chaplin, 2008 7th edition) |