1. When data are read from a text file, you can use the BufferedReader to read one line at a time. After a line of data is read, there is no way of going back to read it again. To overcome this you can first read all the data into a structured object to store them, and then process the data later. Please use the DNA class (we have developed in the past a few weeks, which has properties of ID and seq, and the set/get methods) to develop a Java program to read in a FASTA format DNA sequence file, and parse out each sequence record into the part of ID and sequence. The ID is identified between the ">" and the "|" in the header line, and the sequence is the concatenation of all lines of the sequence part into a single string. Each DNA sequence record can then be stored into an array element of the DNA class. Use a loop in your program to prompt the user to enter a sequence ID, and if the ID exists print out the sequence. If the ID does not exist, print out a warning message. Exit the loop if the user enters “quit”. Please use the sequence file (seq.fasta) as the input file. Below is a sample output of the program: (2 points)…
"Why don't I just get an abortion?" Maria asked her husband. "You absolutely won't, I won't let you kill my child. We'll work this out; we'll make the payments to the hospital little by little," replied Daniel in disbelief. Maria was contemplating getting an abortion because she and Daniel had virtually no money. Daniel felt they could work through it. Abortion is the worst route to take when it comes down to a choice. Abortion is a provoked termination, or annihilation, of a pregnancy and the removal of an embryo or fetus. Not only is it a termination of an embryo but it is also harmful to the woman, one harmful aspect is that it increases the chance of breast cancer; and most of all abortion is the killing of a child, whether born or not, and therefore should be illegal.…
As abortion continues to become a widely spread controversial issue around the world, people have begun to openly choose their side of the infamous debate. Abortion or the early termination of a birth has grasped the minds and hearts of many people around the world since The Supreme Court declared the act legal four decades ago. There are many various ways people have attempted to either argue or approve the subject, making it a sensitive topic in church, schools, and even homes around the world. The topic has become so sensitive that numerous professors do not allow students…
Abortion has be an ongoing debate in america, abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. The debate about abortion is whether or not it's ok to kill the embryo, the pro life movement argues that when going through with abortion it's killing a human being. The pro life movement says that the baby has rights and needs someone to defend them. The other side of the argument is that it's the mother's body and as a american has the right of free will and can do what's she thinks is best for the baby and herself. The case Roe V. Wade was one of the first supreme court cases on the matter.…
The human body is amazing. It can protect one from sickness, harm. It can create beautiful art or fantastical inventions. It can surpass impossible limits. The human body is amazing. It’s amazing and it can create life. But, we, as humans, can take away that life. Humans can inhibit a person from moving forward. Humans can stop a person from feeling happiness or wholeness. And all because we, as humans, make abortion illegal. When abortion is illegal, it restricts a girl or woman from living the life she deserves. When abortion is illegal, it shows that a group of fellow humans love a forming bundle of cells more than the person standing before them.…
Over 54 million “unimportant and unwanted mistakes” have been stripped of the right to live. That’s 54 million less people to be loved, appreciated, cherished, and respected, even if not by the actual biological parents, but by an adoptive parent. Children who could have been future presidents, lawyers, physicians, businessmen or women, architects, moms, dads, soldiers, etc.. The unconstitutional law that lets women have abortions needs to be changed.…
Abortion by definition is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Wrong! Abortion simply means murder. Right! Abortion is just wrong. In what way would abortion be right? “...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” that was taken straight out of the Declaration of Independence. For those who do not know unalienable rights are, those are rights that can not be given away or taken; there for your creator by creating you gave you the right to life.…
Thesis: Abortion is morally permissible in which a fetus is not a person which deprives the fetus to its right to life, circular reasoning is an ineffective to oppose abortion, abortion only risks the fetus not society, and deprivation from a fetus's future and suffering of a loved one has no affect on the argument towards anti-abortion.…
What is an abortion? Should abortions be legal in the United States? An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in the United States, some people believe abortions should be illegal, but abortions are legal nationwide. My opinion is that abortions should be illegal because an unborn baby should have a chance at life just like the two who conceived it. Abortions should be illegal because there are ways to prevent a pregnancy, it is the killing of a living human being, murder, and it’s a possibility that a woman can have complications after an abortion including psychological trauma.…
How would it be like if you weren’t allowed to choose what happens to your future? Some women do not get the luxury of choosing for themselves due to some laws set and they do not get the option whatsoever. That should be different as women are the ones who carry the babies, not the ones who are voting against it. Even though the baby never had the chance to live life, women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their baby because it may be bad for the women herself to have to care of a baby, they may not be prepared for a baby, and we do not know their circumstances of the situation.…
Ronald Reagan said “I notice that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” This is true. In my opinion abortion is murder. I don’t think pregnant woman should have the right to end the life of their child. As soon as pregnancy occurs the baby is a living being. Choices need to be made to prevent unplanned pregnancies, not just continued blind termination of human life because it is easier or more convenient.…
Furthermore, the legal definition of a life is “independent existence as an animate being” (“Life”). This means that a fetus would not be considered a life if it were at a stage where it could not support itself on its own, but some people think otherwise.…
The following articles explore how abortion has become an extremely sensitive topic all over the world. Some discuss Pro-Choice: the pro-choice position is favoring or supporting the legal right of women and girls to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy to term, while others discuss Pro-Life: the pro-life position is that a new human life is created at the moment of fertilization and is, thus, entitled to the same legal protections as any other human being. Since the famous case, Roe v. Wade, abortion has become more and more controversial and many people tend to avoid the subject. Whereas other face it head on, boldly stating their opinions on the matter. The academic works discussed below help provide evidence…
In 1973 when the abortion law was changed with the landmark case, Roe v. Wade, many states scrambled to change their pre-existing laws regarding abortion in order to comply with new Federal regulations. With haste often come mistakes and oversights. Michigan law fails to clearly identify the point of gestation in which an elective abortion is no longer legal; it simply states abortions are illegal past the point of viability. Abortion clinics in Michigan offer abortions up to 24 weeks, despite the fact that a neonate born at 22 weeks gestation is viable with medical assistance. Because of lack of clear definition in the law, clinics across the state are able to continue offering their services up until that time.…
First and foremost, we must establish when exactly human life begins in order to determine whether abortion, the killing of an unborn child, is murder. After the moment of fertilization, nothing is added to the embryo except nutrition and oxygen from that moment until death. Since food and air consumption do not create human beings, the human embryo is fully human from the moment of fertilization. As stated in Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, “Human development begins at fertilization...”₁. There are only four differences between a newborn baby and a pre-born baby: size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. A person’s size, intelligence, location, and need for help should not determine his or her worth as a human being. The difference between a 30 year-old male and a 3 month-old baby does not determine the value of human life in the 3 month-old. Thus we can say, an unborn child is not a potential human being, rather an unborn child is a human being with…