Euthanasia often occurs when medical staff administers a lethal dose of medication, with the intention of killing the patient (“Euthanasia”). Assisted suicide occurs when medical staff prescribes a lethal amount of medication with the intent of helping a person commit suicide (“Euthanasia”). The patient then takes the dose or turns on the switch, and ultimately dies (“Euthanasia”). Euthanasia or assisted suicide gives physicians, who are only humans, the right to murder (“Euthanasia”). Doctors are people who we trust to save our lives, we look upon them as people who have been trained to save our lives, but euthanasia gives doctors the opportunity to play God, and unfortunately most seize this opportunity (“Euthanasia”). We should also recognize the need for the proper management of pain. Modern medicine provides effective treatments for pain that guarantees that no one will suffer (“Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide - Pros And Cons”). No one needs to escape pain by seeking death.
Should humans be allowed to play the role of God? Legalizing euthanasia would do just that! The power to play with people's lives should not be handed out for legal or medical reasons (“Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide - Pros And Cons”). Thus euthanasia should not be legalized. It is not a solution to human suffering, in any way. Though euthanasia is a controversial subject, it is evident that it only disrupts the normal pattern of life and leads toward