Conclude by choosing a position for or against ethnicity-based jury nullification and defend your decision.…
The author’s have a background in law, specifically he was a Special Assistant Attorney for the United States, who persecuted people with midsummeror in the District of Columbia in 1990. who mainly persecuted those with misdemeanor crimes. The author did not just write this article for the sake of writing an article, he wants to answer a specific question. “…what role race should play in black juror’s decisions to acquit defendants in criminal cases.” In this articles he hopes to get that point across that the American criminal justice system needs to change. He does not only want to tear it down because for its treatment of African-Americans but he wants to build it back up in a way that treats everyone equally.…
· Conclude by choosing a position for or against ethnicity-based jury nullification and defend your decision.…
Jury nullification is a constitutional doctrine that allows juries to acquit defendants who are technically criminals guilty, but who do not deserve punishment. It occurs in a trial when a jury reaches a verdict contrary to the judge 's instructions as to the law. A jury verdict contrary to the letter of the law does not belong only to the particular case before it. If a pattern of acquittals, however, develops in response to repeated attempts to prosecute a statutory offense, it can have the de facto effect of invalidating the statute. A pattern of jury nullification may indicate public opposition to an unwanted legislative enactment. In the past, it was feared that may unduly influence a judge alone or a panel of public officials to follow established legal practice, even if such practice had drifted from its origins. In most modern Western legal systems, however, often instruct juries only serve as "finders of facts", whose role is to determine the veracity of the evidence, and the weight accorded to evidence, to implement these tests the law and reach a verdict, but not decide what the law is .…
Although jury nullification has some downsides when it is abused by a biased jury, there are many reasons to support it. Jury nullification helps keep unfair laws in check by allowing them to be bypassed. It is protected by the rights given in the 6th amendment. And it is needed to nullify the law when a person breaks it in order to protect themselves. Jury nullification needs to be legal because it is necessary to the court process.…
Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is our privilege to represent P.J. Long in this case before you today.…
The jury system is simply a system in which the verdict in a legal case is decided by a group of twelve regular citizens(the jurors). A lot of questions have been asked about the validity and importance of the jury system. I think the jury system is not a good idea and should therefore be removed because the jurors sometimes do not consider or even understand the evidence provides. They often let their personal feelings affect their verdict, or base it on unreasonable factors, and…
So from this weeks lecture I have to say the most intriguing concept was defiantly the concept of jury nullification as prior to this week i believed that the juries sole duty was only to determine whether or not a defendant was responsible for a certain crime and the sentencing was left to the judges. Due to this concept, i believe there are both strengths and weaknesses to the juries rational since this all depends on whether or not the jury sympathises with the defeat. the weakness would be that no matter how guilty a defendant if they are able to get the jury to believe they didn't know what they were doing was wrong or their actions were of malicious intent just something that needed to be done, they could get away with…
Majority of the times setting criminals free to commit the same crimes again. Being acquitted of all charges is usually how jury nullifications occur. Many believe that racial nullification should be possible for those that have committed non-violent crimes even if the evidence shows that the person is in fact guilty. The contribution to the criminal justice system is that this would allow the prison system to have more space for those that commit more violent crimes regardless of their race. As we see jury nullification can either be beneficial or it can truly destroy the criminal justice system. Courtrooms need to recognize that there needs to be no biases within the system or people need to be blindfolded before being a part of a case. There needs to be a model set forth in regards to the influence that justice should outweigh any feelings in regards to race and one should serve time for the crime that they was convicted of. African American, or Hispanic or minorities races apply society ought to come close to their effort and be aware of its supporting nature and their choice to practice their authority in benefit of their…
Just like how police officers and prosecutors can make discretionary decision; Jury nullification is simply a power granted to jury to make discretion regarding whether criminal punishment is appropriate in a given case. Just as police and prosecutors take into consideration as whether the defendant’s behavior was a technical violation or whether other circumstances not recognized by the law justified or excused a defendant’s actions; it serves jury nullification to get rid of inappropriate prosecutions where police and prosecutors failed to do so. So when critics criticize jury nullification without knowing that similar judgments are being made by police officers and prospectors, people who have such bias view don't even realize their argument…
A good number of Americans are not happy about a criminal being let free not because the law is unjust, but because he belong to a certain race. They view jury nullification as releasing wrong does back to the society to commit more crimes. The juror should therefore avoid jury nullification and consider the vulgarity of the criminal act committed, the background of the defendant and whether the law is just or not before deciding on this option. Race based jury nullification is subject to misuse by both the white and the black jurors. In many occasions jury nullification has been used to favor a certain race at the expense of the other race. Whites who have committed crimes against the blacks have been set free by juries at the expense of the blacks. Black juries have also misused jury…
1. Describe a company that you think uses advertisement well as a promotional strategy. What do you think makes their advertisements successful? (1-5 sentences. 2.0 points) McDonalds uses ads well because there M logo is recognized around the world when you see the M you know its McDonalds…
“It is not only the juror’s right, but his duty to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court.” This is what John Adams said of jury nullification. John Jay, who was the first justice of the Supreme Court said, “The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.” So what is jury nullification and how does it influence courtroom proceedings and judicial practices?…
Ethnicity plays a big role in courtroom proceedings as well as judicial practices from all parts of the criminal justice system. It is anywhere from the initial intake of a person to the time the person is sentenced. Everyone involved in the proceeding has to perform certain duties to their highest ability and they have to be fair to everyone that is involved in the court proceedings. If a person is a different race or gender it may not always be the case that the people have to be fair or perform certain duties. There is statistical research that has proven in the past twenty years that there is a…
Arguably, if the State of Florida v. George Zimmerman case was the other way around, State of Florida v. Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin would be facing prison time. This is the problem with the courts. I think that the only way to solve this is to have the jurors, and judged blindfolded during cases, this way they couldn’t see what race the defendant is and could possible make it a fair trial, or simply never have the parties present in front of judges or jurors. I believe that if the State of Florida v. George Zimmerman case was done this way, George Zimmerman would have served some time in prison, how is it that this person can get away with murder, when another person in the same situation cannot just because of his or her…