It has been utilized as a way to ease oppression, poverty, and war as the frontrunners are very well given the knowledge to steer the nation towards development. It’s about understanding right from wrong and having the knowledge you need to stay afloat in society. By simply being educated you would a have little job insecurity, no inferiority complex and a well-organized understanding of the world. Although, education may not be the key to happiness; it is definitely the key to a lot of other things, which come together to make all of us happy.
In reality everyone thinks we go to school for three main things and that’s to make us a good person, good citizen and, to make each person his or her personal best but according to Gatto his “six basic functions” of school are…
1. The adjustive or adaptive function
We all go to school to learn how to react a certain way to authority and do exactly what we are told. This takes away from our critical judgment/thinking and causes us to believe that it doesn't matter if we are learning something interesting or not.
2. The integrating function
Schools conform children to make them all alike. They make sure that they dress and speak similarly, taking away from their individuality. Making all of the children are more …show more content…
The biggest factor as it dictates a child’s opportunities in the education system and the way that they are educated whether it be appropriately to their advantage or not. According to Anyon, the overall conclusion is that the “hidden curriculum” of school work sets children up to remain within their social class and thus perpetuates the maintenance of the status quo and the ongoing gap between rich and