The film Matilda directed by Danny DeVito was released in 1996, on the second of August. The main character of this film are Agatha Trunchbull, Jennifer Honey and Matilda Wormwood. Ms Agatha Trunchbull is depicted as a malicious, evil character through the use of various film techniques; appearance, language, personality, lighting and camera angles and shots. All of these techniques help to create the idea that Ms Trunchbull is a hostile and cold character.
Firstly, Ms Agatha Trunchbull’s malicious, unflattering appearance shows that she is an evil and intimidating character. Her dark, harsh
and unflattering clothing style creates a frightening and intimidating atmosphere and makes her look unattractive, in comparison to Miss Jennifer Honey who has a sense of bright, flattering clothing that make her seem welcoming and approachable. In the movie, Matilda says “Looking at her, she looks like the kind of person who could bend iron bars and rip telephone directories in half!” This quote provides the audience with an image of how the children imagine Ms Trunchbull to look and what they first perceive her as. Therefore, the use of dark, harsh clothing and the unattractive appearance of Ms Trunchbull shows that she is a frightening, threatening character.
Secondly, Agatha Trunchbull is shown as a hostile, cold character through the use of her personality and language choices. Agatha’s voice is strong and low pitch, making it sound more hostile and daunting to the young children at her school and having a bitter sense of authority. Throughout the movie, Agatha insults the children quite frequently calling them “A carbuncle, a blister, a festering pustule of malignant ooze”.