Viridiana Neri
April 5, 2013
English 11 B4
Research Age of Faith • The Age of Faith was the start of American Literature. From 1607-1750 those who would be come known as the first Americans, were mostly comprised of British Colonist who immigrated to America for religious or economical reasons. Key authors of this period include: John Smith, William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, Sarah Kemble Knight, William Byrd, and Jonathan Edwards.
• Many of the original texts were based on describing the new land and religious inspirational books such as The Bay Psalm Book, which was the first book published in America. Some of the first Americans believed that God had given them America as a safe haven from the tyranny of England. However, not all immigrants where there for religious reasons
• Puritans wrote about their religious beliefs and daily life during the Age of Faith
Jonathan Edwards “Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God” •
• Revival began to spring up again, and Edwards preached his most famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", in Enfield, Connecticut in 1741. Though this sermon has been widely reprinted as an example of "fire and brimstone" preaching in the colonial revivals, this is not in keeping with Edward's actual preaching style. Edwards did not shout or speak loudly, but talked in a quiet, emotive voice. He moved his audience slowly from point to point, towards an inexorable conclusion: they were lost without the grace of God
William Bradford “Of Plymouth Plantation