The Dark Ages are described as a period of intellectual depression in the history of Europe from the establishment of barbarian supremacy in the fifth century to the revival of learning at about the fifteenth century. In my belief, according to this description the Dark Ages were not dark at all, and if present, the intellectual depression was minimal. The Dark Ages were a period of great intellectual innovation and arts. With the dwindling populations of towns, people once again became dependent on agriculture and herding, as they had been previous to the rise of Rome. As a result of this, technological improvements pertaining to agriculture were made such as the heavy plow, shoulder collar for horses, and metal horseshoes. These innovations enabled agriculture to prosper due the implementation of more efficient practices, thereby increasing product yield, resulting in a surplus. It was also during this period that universities were founded, introducing a new system of education, which eventually replaced the monastery and church schools. These universities taught subjects such as the arts, law, medicine, and theology. I believe that this shows a great wealth of knowledge being shared throughout Western Europe, not an intellectual depression. This time period is also well known for its festive art and elaborate, grand architecture. The so called barbarians that took over during this period were inventive peoples that created glorious works of arts with materials such as gold and jewels. Many innovations in architecture were introduced such as flying buttresses, high ceilings with ribbed vaults, large columns, and large stained glass windows. It was during this time period that education was made available to the people, and a massive outpouring of books occurred.…