This paper examines the issue of ageism in the workplace, including how ageism is defined, issues associated with it, and ways to overcome this form of discrimination. Ageism is usually thought to affect older adults, but research shows that ageism can affect adults of all ages. For the purposes of this paper, I will focus on two particular groups; Baby-Boomers and Generation X. There are numerous issues associated with ageism such as health and how it affects job performance, whether physical or mental; costs to both the employer and employee including psychological costs as well as financial; adapting to the ever-changing technology industry; educating the work force and giving them opportunities to remain viable employees; identifying risks associated with ageism and the long term effects that may occur. Finally I will look at ways to combat ageism including education, both internal and external, as well as mentoring opportunities by both management and peers.
Ageism in the Workplace
Ageism can happen to anyone, young or old. Many times when discussing Ageism or age discrimination, most people consider older generations as those affected, but the reality is that younger generations can be affected by Ageism as well. Ageism is growing in America today, and there are many significant issues that are being associated with this form of discrimination. The purpose of this paper is to define Ageism and who is being affected by it. Those affected are experiencing a wide array of issues that can ultimately have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. Ageism is not something that cannot be cured, and there are definitely ways to overcome it. Ways to combat this problem, include education and mentoring. This paper will outline many different opportunities within these two areas and ultimately conclude with recommendations for organizational management to combat the growing issue of Ageism.
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