Different parts of parenting are known to differ both across and within cultural groups. Recent research has identified social class and childrearing experience as key sources of within-culture difference version in parenting. Harkness and Super developed the term 'parental ethnotheories' to help explain cultural differences in parenting. Ethnotheories are common beliefs held by a cultural group about children's development and behavior, and include expectations about the thinking-related process, social and emotional development of children. They come from parents' cultural experiences within their community or reference group, and reflect cultural beliefs about children's development and characteristics of children that are valued by the community of people in which the child is being raised.…
(Culture and Development, 2012) Biological as well as cultural influences can encourage development in infants and toddlers. A child brought up in a loving and nurturing home will receive love and support through their life. Parents make a great impression on that child and can encourage them to make the best choices as they develop. A family life is part of nature and environment, which molds a child’s identity. (Culture and Development, 2014) There are however children that have supportive families but are not loved and nurtured. If a child misses this loving and nurturing aspect they might not do their best in something like their academics. Children need a supportive and loving home is develops their behaviors during the infant and toddler…
It has also been shown that physical punishment is not always a result of children's undesirable behavior. Moreover, it is the result of extraneous pressures on the parent. It has been shown that financial problems, unemployment, and stress are all directly related to child abuse. This displacement of aggression from the appropriate source is particularly destructive because it is conditioning without a prompt to act on. When a child is continually punished for doing nothing wrong, punishment carries no real weight. When the child does begin to show undesirable behavior, it will then be unpreventable by means of physical punishment. All the child has been conditioned to fear is their parents. Displacement can also occur in the victim of the punishment. The child cannot strike back at its parent, so to displace anger; the child may lash out at siblings, teachers, coaches or others who do not threaten physical punishment in return.…
and a cognitive component. An emotional component is a like or dislike towards a group. A…
References: Argosy University Online (2008). Macionis. Society: The Basics, 10th Edition Lecture Notes. Retrieved on from http://www.myeclassonline.com.…
Friends or peer groups can have a big influence on our identity as well. Close friends who we see on a daily basis can be just as important to us as family. Other friends that we see in certain social settings such as work or school are considered secondary agents. In the earlier years, parents are careful about who they let their children become friends with because eventually the influence of friends will be stronger than the influence of family as the child grows older. Also as we get older society judges us based on who we are friends with. If we hang out with people who do drugs, other people will think we do drugs when in actuality we may not (Vissing, 2011, Chapter 2.4).…
Frank understands that he must attend his driver’s education classes. If he does not, he will not pass the driving test and will not be allowed to drive. This is an illustration of which of the key functions of socialization? a. Socialization establishes our social identity. b. Socialization teaches us role taking. c. Socialization controls our behavior. d. Socialization transmits culture to the next generation. e. none of the above…
Valsiner, J. (1988). Child Development Within Cultural Structured Enviroments: Parental Cognition and Adult –Child Interaction (Vol. 1). USA: Ablex Publishing Corporation.…
Throughout the 20 years of my life, there have been many Agents of Socialization. From the start, my Mother was the one who shaped my beliefs and behavior as a child. At a very young age, since I was the only child, and she was a single parent, she taught me almost everything I needed to know as a kid. At that point in time, she was my Mother and my Father. She taught me various values, such as, the values of working hard to get what I want, and the values of doing the right thing and making the right decisions, not only because it's the right thing to do, but because it would make me a better person. Of course, as a kid, my Mother taught me the norms and folkways of society. Like, having manners out in public, being respectful to my elders, and she even taught me some old-fashioned folkways, norms that were more common back in the day, such as holding the door open for a lady, or addressing men or women as Ma'am, or Sir. My Mother's parenting style was an Authoritative Style. She wasn't exactly strict, but she wasn't too soft either. Her parenting style made me the person I am today, and I have to admit that she did a pretty good job. As I got older, I began to understand the troubles of being a single parent. Her struggles became my struggles, so I was forced to grow up slightly faster than the normal kid, while still maintaining my childhood.…
The psychological development of any child is shaped by early experiences. To examine sociocultural systems and a specific child’s psychological development the approach ‘Cultural construction of Child Development’ was created based on the developmental niche.2 It focuses on children’s physical and social setting, rearing practices and customs, as well as the beliefs and values of caretakers while sociocultural experiences work to teach children where to focus their attention.3 To demonstrate that psychological development of children is influenced by parental beliefs it is crucial examine cultures independently as well as cross-culturally. In other words, to be correct in saying parental belief systems impact children’s psychological development, the values of parents should be reflected in the values of children.…
The 4 agents of socialization are family, peers, mass media and education. By far for myself family is the important aspect of socialization. I have always been the type of person that goes out or stays home and spends time with my mom, dad, and brother. We are always doing things together even though I and 26 and my brother is 19. We go to church together and eat out together. I spend time with them even though I work and have a great girlfriend and a busy life. I am always being taught something from my family. I have been with them from Day 1 since I was born. I was completely dependent on them when I was little. I was taught to walk, to talk, to read and to write. They were the first people I came in contact…
Growing up and attending different social events, I would always wonder what caused someone to act a certain way in different social groups. What I found to be true is that it is all due to social behavior. Social behavior refers to the general conduct of people within a society. This behavior is in response to committing behaviors one feels is unacceptable by their peers. This…
Socialization has many different parts that can be complex and effects our behavior, attitudes and cultural beliefs. Attitude is just one of the parts of socialization that effects each person and the contributing factors are affects also known as emotions, behavior or actions and cognitions which is also thoughts. Each has a role in deciding a person’s attitude, For example, Sam hates classical music (emotion) and thinks it makes him look weak (cognitive) so and avoids all classical music (actions).…
The development of children varies from individual to individual, depending on their distinctive nature, learning style, culture environment, and family upbringing. There are also significant variances in the development with each individual’s genetic heritage and socioeconomic status. Observing a child is a great way to learn more about the development, cognitive, and social skills they may have. A pretentious difference such as family living arrangements and former experiences alter and affect a child’s level of cognition. Some children who live a normal traditional lifestyle, can sometimes take for granted the significance of love and compassion. Other children who have not been as fortunate and lack the warmth and comfort of a parent’s love take nothing for granted and appreciates even the small minor details in life.…
Children as the video describes adapt to their surrondings in their homelife despite this they are also influenced just as much by todays society.…