Aggressiveness is an intentional behavior aimed at causing either physical or psychological pain.
There are two types of aggression:
Hostile aggression is an act of aggression stemming from feelings of anger and aimed at inflicting pain.
Instrumental aggression is aggression that serves as a means to some goal other than causing pain.
As aggression is an emotional reaction and it is very hard to measure. The most common way aggression is measured in lab studies is by asking people to give electric shocks. Other ways include getting them to punch a doll, to verbally rate how aggressive they felt, or to push a button to rate their aggression on a scale. However, these are subjective and people have different perspectives of aggression.
There are many theories as to what causes us to act aggressively.
Drive Theories
Drive Theories (of aggression)—suggest that aggression stems from external conditions that arouse the motive to harm or injure others.A famous drive theory is the frustration-aggression hypothesis—the suggestion that frustration is a very powerful determinant of aggression.
This theory is not well supported, but remains popular.
Frustration-aggression Hypothesis
When we are blocked from achieving our goal, this leads to frustration. Frustration can then lead to aggression. However, sometimes this frustration can be displaced and lead to something else, eg depression.
Frustration can be increased when it is unexpected, or when we are nearer to our goal when it is blocked - you are more likely to get angry at someone for pushing in front of you if you are second in a queue than if you are 50th in the queue. Frustration is likely to be less keenly felt when it is understandable, legitimate or unintentional.
Relative Deprivation Theory
When people feel that they deserve more than they have got, this can lead to frustration, which can then lead to aggression. This does not always
References: 1. 2. Psychology book – NCERT – Class XI 3. Psychology book – NCERT – Class XII