Basing itself on the fact that one of the fundamental purposes of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security and to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace.( See attachment 1). The next two paragraphs, are from headlined front page cover article as appeared in the (Sunday Times Magazine-03/04/2011): ‘Your typical, stressed, panicky westerner is in constant alarm mode. It’s the fault of our caveman brains again. We are designed to have a survival mechanism which kicks in and pumps stress hormones around out bodies to help us escape from the occasional sabre-toothed tiger. But in the modern world, the sabre-toothed tigers are everywhere: missed trains, unreasonable deadlines, hoodies, extortionate Gas & Electricity bills courtesy calls, traffic wardens, mobile-phone yobs, your children’s SATs, the neighbour’s Cupressocyparis Leylandii.’
The front cover and cover story edition of the Sunday Times magazine is headlined - ‘The Inside Story of a Child Killer’. It is the tragic story of Jon Venables, one of the 10 year old boys who killed the toddler James Bulger in Bootle, Liverpool back in 1993. The story reveals how Jon Venables himself grew up in an aggressive household, killed a young child and then required a new identity to protect him for the rest of his life from the aggressive reprisals of those who would seek revenge. (Sunday Times Magazine-03/04/2011) Definition of Aggression
From Latin- ag-gres-sion pronounced as a’greshen being a noun known as aggressio- attack, aggredi- to attack, and ad+gradi meaning to step, go, further explained as- a forceful action or procedure like an unprovoked attack, to establish full dominance, the practice of making