References: Agarwal, A., Shankar, R., Tiwari, M.K., 2000, Modeling the metrics of lean, agile and leagile supply chain: An ANP-based approach, European Journal of Operational Research, 173 (1), pp. 211-225 Aronsson, H., Abrahamsson, M., Spens, K., Developing lean and agile health care supply chains, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16/3, 176–183 Bruce, M., Daly, L., Towers, N., 2004. Lean or agile: A solution for supply chain management in the textiles and clothing industry? International Journal of Operations and Production Management 24 (2), 151–170. Mason-Jones, R., Naylor, B., Towill, D.R., 2000, Lean, agile or leagile? Matching your supply chain to the marketplace, International Journal of Production Research 38/17, 4061– 4070. Naylor, J. B.,Naim, M.M., and Berry, D., 1999, Leagility: integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigm in the total supply chain, Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 62, 107-118. 3
References: Agarwal, A., Shankar, R., Tiwari, M.K., 2000, Modeling the metrics of lean, agile and leagile supply chain: An ANP-based approach, European Journal of Operational Research, 173 (1), pp. 211-225 Aronsson, H., Abrahamsson, M., Spens, K., Developing lean and agile health care supply chains, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16/3, 176–183 Bruce, M., Daly, L., Towers, N., 2004. Lean or agile: A solution for supply chain management in the textiles and clothing industry? International Journal of Operations and Production Management 24 (2), 151–170. Mason-Jones, R., Naylor, B., Towill, D.R., 2000, Lean, agile or leagile? Matching your supply chain to the marketplace, International Journal of Production Research 38/17, 4061– 4070. Naylor, J. B.,Naim, M.M., and Berry, D., 1999, Leagility: integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigm in the total supply chain, Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 62, 107-118. 3