Sub title:
1 Recent situation
Situation in Hong Kong
Results of our findings
2 Causes of aging population
Results of the our findings
Improvement of living standard
Low fertility rate
3 Impact of aging population
Results of our findings
Economic development of Hong Kong
Burden of government
4 Solution
Results of our findings
Postpone of retirement age
Encourage childbirth by providing welfare
Save more MPF for the elderlies
Encourage overseas students to work in Hong Kong
5 Conclusion
6 Information source
Since aging population is increasing now, this problem will become more serious if we do nothing to solve it.
What are the reasons that you think most related to aging population?
What can we do to prevent this problem from worsening?
1. Recent Situation
Situation in Hong Kong At present, one out of eight people in Hong Kong ages 65 or above. As people are living longer and getting older, the average life expectancy is 80 and 86 for men and women respectively in 2010. In 20 years’ time, in every four Hong Kong residents will be 65 or above. By 2050, Hong Kong is forecasted by the World Health Organization to rank fifth in the world for cities with largest percentage of older adults. Result of our findings
This table shows the survey done by us which is about the opinions of people on aging population. We can see that most of the people have no opinion with the early age of retirement. The reasons of choosing optimistic is because they can enjoy their life earlier and no need to work anymore. The reasons of choosing pessimism is because they think they have nothing to do and they worry about they will have not enough money to use after retire.
(Photo of HK’s Population Profile)
2872105441755 2. Causes of aging population
2.1 Result of the our findings
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