Agnosticism is a religion since it fits the common definition of spiritual religion. For example, a definition of religion is a set of beliefs concerning supernatural and divine. Although agnosticism does not believe in a set god or being like most religions, it still concerns things supernatural (Poidevin). Religion does not require that you worship, praise, or even speak to a god; it is simply a belief about super natural beings, according to a common definition. In addition, the definition of agnosticism is it is the doctrine that only material things can be known, and hence the knowledge of god, or for that matter anything supernatural, is impossible
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(Hepburn). This may contradict what many theists and atheists may believe by saying that they do care if there is a god or ultimate being and are not merely taking the occupation of agnostic to dissipate any heat they may receive from non-agnostics. However, most agnostics actually take it seriously and came to the conclusion that ultimate knowledge of a god is impossible to know without
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