Agressiveness according to Adler is seen as a masculine/dominant trait as where as submissiveness and obedience is a feminine trait. This goes hand in hand when participating in BDSM since one person must be dominant while the other is submissive. Christian demonstrates superiority striving, which is the effort to acheive improvement in oneself. Grey often shows superiority striving because he is always working on improving himself whether it be with his career, relationships or in trying to understand himself. He is always working on improving himself rather than focusing on striving to be better than others. Neglect is shown early on by mentioning Christian's childhood. Growing up, he came from and abusive household where he had to witness his drug fueled mother be physically and mentall abused by his alcoholic father. Neglect is defined as parental behavior in which a child's needs are not adequately met. Coming from this background had already impacted Grey in an negative way. He never likes to talk about his biological family and luckily he was adopted by a rich family that had all of the necessities and more in order to care for him. Lastly, social interest plays an important role in Grey's life. Adler describes
6social interest as the innate potential to live cooperatively with other people.
It also states that
1the more social interest a person has, the more that person's efforts are channeled into shared social tasks rather than selfish goals and the more psychologically healthy the person is. Grey is often dealing with social interest because he is able to value the common good above personal welfare. Even though
4social interest is an inborn potential, it must be fostered and the mother is an early influence for