Agricola’s pre-military life and early military life affected his attributes and shaped his future to give the qualities for success. Before his first birthday the Emperor ordered for the death of his senator father because of his refusal to prosecute the Emperor’s second cousin, this left Agricola fatherless with only the support of his mother to nurture him to maturity and an early influential reference of what happens to those who don't obey their superiors.…
Despite some flaws, Rome’s military was superior because it upheld Roman virtues. Due to Tacitus’s unfair treatment, one can understand why he believes Roman virtue was not upheld. There was an aggressive behavior and political corruption within the senate, which Tacitus voiced in his Agricola and Germania. However, the structure of Roman government was brilliant and due to her value for liberty she set the foundation for other nations. Men of Rome natural crave philosophy and were able to use this branch of knowledge to their advantage. Tacitus mentions specific examples of men gaining political power with the help of philosophy. However, Tacitus denied the significant influence the Greek philosophers had in Rome, such as Plato. Tacitus recognized and expressed how Classical Rome valued and respected the sacredness of marriage. From this one can see Tacitus has a gasp on Roman values. However, he seems to be overly critical of Rome…
The rise of private armies directly threatened the existence of the Roman republic. ……Julius Ceasar, MarkAnthony, and …… commanded private armies.…
By currently taking this History & Philosophy of Sports class, this film “Gladiator” establishes the whole scenery during the time period of ancient Rome. In the film, it introduced Gladiator battles. These Gladiator battles reflected as entertainment to society, as well as, being a survival setting between life and death. Not only they would compete for survival, but they would compete to become the best. By this time, Commodus, is the new Roman emperor and he fears that Maximus could use his heroic ability to dethrone him and become emperor himself. Maximus would use his fame and popularity as a gladiator to invoke further damage to Commodus' insecure dominance of the devoted Roman people, hoping to influence them to restore their lost values and overcome the corruption that…
The understanding of the short term significance of Agricola in Roman Britain is heavily dependent on historical texts and what they tell us. According to these historical texts there is no denying that Agricola was of short term significance in military and cultural terms, but the degree of his significance comes into question according to each individual historian opinion. Most of the knowledge we have on Agricola comes from his son in law Tacitus. Leading to the inference that this would affect the general opinion on Agricola, as the only substantial information we have on him is faultlessly positive. It could be suggested that this unblemished depiction of Agricola would somehow influence the way in which his degree of significance militarily and culturally would be viewed, effectively causing his significance to be overestimated. This suggestion is supported by historians such as Russell and Laycock that suggest our understanding of Agricola’s short term significance is tainted by the picture painted of him for us by Tacitus.…
Cicero, Roman Senator and Philosopher, set up specific qualities of an ideal Roman ruler. A clear role in what it takes to effectively lead. A leader must first lead a dignified life for them to lead a successful empire. Leaders must demonstrate a work ethic and ability to gain respect. With that respect, leaders must love and care for their subordinates to show their compassionate towards the Roman people. Leaders must then demonstrate ethics to provide plans that must be followed in order to bring success to their empire. Politically, Cicero’s ideals reflected on both Marcus Aurelius and Commodus in various distinct ways. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus were men that ruled the empire of Rome and their governance had a profound impact in the Roman history. However while Marcus Aurelius was a grown just, benevolent man who fought for the power of Rome and successfully won the battle, Commodus was young, ignorant, cruel ruler, who demanded respect soon after he took position as emperor, and seriously weakened Roman Empire.…
Caesar describes how a fellow soldier motivates his comrades to engage in battle by challenging their loyalty to the legion in line 3 “nisi vultus aquilam hostibus prodere” (unless you wish to give up the eagle to the enemy). This quote is what initiates the motivation because their values as a Roman is loyalty to each other, their people and government so the last thing they would want is to betray their legion by allowing the enemy to capture the eagle, which symbolizes their legion and superiority. This soldier continues his speech by encouraging patriotism from his comrades in lines 3-4 “ego certe meum rei publicae atque imperatori officium praestitero” (I certainly will perform duty to the republic and the commander). This quote is the message to the rest of the soldiers that they must fulfill their duty as Roman soldiers and he makes it even more powerful by leaping off the ship and charging into the deep waters toward the enemy in line 4 “se ex navi proiecit atque in hostes” (he himself leaped from the ship…
Niccolo Machiavelli once stated,“He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command.” This seems simple, but some don’t understand, including most in the play Julius Caesar. Mark Antony, one of the few who understands how to command, is a loyal friend who is gifted with the ability to use rhetorics, and is able to appeal to people’s hearts. While Brutus uses force and facts, Antony is able to lift others up while conspiring against them. It is a skill that comes into play later in the tragedy when Caesar is killed Antony takes it into his own hands to get even with the conspirators. By being able to command respect Antony is able to turn the throng of citizens against Cassius, Brutus, and the others. This is why Mark Antony…
In the end, a General is nothing without an army. The Roman army became the prominent army in Central Italy because it was different from any other army of it's time. First of all, Rome was a democracy. This meant, as stated before, that Rome's soldiers had a certain pride and spirit on the battlefield. Their leaders were elected, and when deciding whether or not to go to war the Senate would sometimes "lay the question before the people." (VII, 32.4) The average man contributed more in Rome, and the pride showed on the battlefield.…
In the ancient world, to join the Roman Legion, one had to speak and write Latin. The military, with bases and forts around the world, spread its influence not so much during battles, but by spending money in the local restaurants, marrying the local women, and bringing back bits and pieces of the places they lived for so long to their home cities in their retirement. It 's not just the soldiers themselves. It 's the entire structure and environment of the whole military family that spreads the culture of the empire around the…
Imperial Rome, during the first century A.D. was expanding it's boundaries by adding new territories. They expanded into northern Europe and Britain and conquered or attempted to conquer various types of people. Based on my reading of Tacitus' The Agricola and The Germania, I have knowledge of the life and customs of the Britons, subject of the Agricola, and the Germans, subject of the Germania. This of course being the Romans, and more specifically Tacitus,' observation and view of these groups of people.…
Looking into t1he past is not an easy task, especially when looking back two thousand years. Without writing, it is impossible to speculate the kind of culture our ancestors lived. About 54 A.D. a roman citizen named Tacitus wrote his account about the early German nation. His writing had survived the sands of time and gives insight about the ancestors of the modern Teutonic nations. Tacitus was a man that held many important public offices and considered to be a “front rank of the historians of antiquity for the accuracy of his learning, the fairness of his judgments, the richness, concentration, and precision of his style.”1 Due to this, his perspective for the state of culture in early Germany is held at high importance. His views on society and social classes, along with the religion and marriage, is just and extremely detailed. Tacitus accounts on early Germany gives us by far the most detailed description of the tribal society of Germania.…
Tacitus is referring to the problem Rome had been encountering with the Parthian empire in the east. Tacitus is, at this point, shouting the realization that Germany is a massive threat to Rome, saying look at this one battle that killed one major person, with us killing one in return. And then look at these battles with Germany and all the heroes they have taken, and all the armies lost, with no response from Rome. In a sense, saying that this empire in the east, is nowhere near as much of a threat as the Germans are. Going back to Agricola, Agricola had gone to battle with his legions he commanded in Britain against these natives.…
Coriolanus’ virtues of valour and integrity make him extremely unsuitable to fill the role of Consul in Rome. By exploring Coriolanus’ pure martial virtues, distinctive character and godlike status, it can be seen that to a very certain extent his is not Consul material.…
He is being compared to Cesare Borgia in chapter 7 and to the discussion of civil principalities in chapter 9. Agathocles is portrayed a man of “virtue of spirit and body” as well as having the “greatness of… soul” but these attributes does not qualify him to be the ruler who is virtuous. The reason for Agathocles fails to be portray the virtú is because despite his “actions of virtue” due to “his savage cruelty and inhumanity together with his infinite crimes (VIII). This illustrates that Agathocles transition in use of violence from the moderate level to excessive level to maintain the power seems to be an act that Machiavelli is against. Agathocles was born as “the son of a potter,” and he rose to through the ranks of the military in Syracuse by betraying his fellow citizens and massacring the nobility in order to establish his reign. He than appointed himself “to this position, he determined to make himself prince and to possess by force and without obligation to others.” Thus, Machiavelli makes the case that reputation is important in maintaining the power and if the ruler fails to keep the reputation clean than he can still acquire power but cannot acquire glory. In Agathocles case when looked into his action we can see that the opposite happens, he securely rules for many years “after infinite betrayals and cruelties. This gives credibility to Agathocles because the way he used…