Another piece of the puzzle is the industrial period it changed the economy in five fundamental ways.
One of them being new sources of energy in which came the steam engine instead of using animal muscle then soon heavy machinery came along. Next is centralization of work in factories they soon moved steam power machines from homes to factories. Manufacturing and mass production came along before people use to grow or gather their products with mass production the focus is to turn raw product into a wide range of finished product. Specialization was another factor people would make a product from start to finish but in factories they would repeat the same task over and over again. Lastly is wage labor instead of working for themselves they worked for other
people. The last piece of the puzzle is the postindustrial revolution in which it was based on service work and high technology. Automated machinery replaced factory workers and expanded the ranks of clerical workers and managers. A technological breakthrough was the invention of the computer which introduced new kinds of products and new forms of communication. There have been three significant changes: tangible products to ideas in which people work with symbols. Computer programmers, writers, financial analysts, advertising, etc. Next was mechanical skills to literacy skills workers were required to have these skills. Information revolution required speaking and writing and computer skills. Those who communicate efficiently were successful and without these skills job opportunities were slim. Technology sky rocketed during this era and brought in specialized jobs throughout. Sectors are a part of what makes this economy a whole there is the primary sector which draws raw materials from the natural environment which is what makes up the agricultural perspective of the economy. Next is the secondary sector which transforms these raw materials into manufactured goods which is where factories took place. Lastly is the tertiary sector which involves services rather than goods. Each sector brought together the economy and made it a whole as a global economy. Each revolution formed the economy today making it into a production of goods and services. Without one or the other there wouldn’t be any of the technology there is today it takes pieces to make a whole. Benefits began for people who worked in service industries unlike the other two revolutions. Revolution is forever changing like our economy to make life easier and more accessible.