(Abelmoschus esculentus) PLANT TO
Jevilyn Mary C. Ruiz
Reniel S. Zuñiga
Jae Marie Valdez
IV Einstein
Special Science Curriculum
S.Y. 2009-2010
The research study entitled “THE GROWTH RESPONSE OF OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus) PLANT TO STORED-DILUTED AND UNSTORED-DILUTED HUMAN URINE (A Comparative Study)” was conducted to investigate which is the suitable human urine as a fertilizer for growing Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus); stored-diluted or unstored-diluted human urine. To determine the most suitable human urine for the growth of okra plant the researchers prepared three set-ups, the first set-up is treated with stored-diluted human urine, the second set-up is treated with not stored-diluted human urine and the third plot was not treated with any urine for it will be the basis of comparison. The urine was ensured that came from two persons within the same gender; male, age level; adolescence and health condition, and it also undergone urinalysis to guarantee that the following factors were considered. The following procedures were performed. The human urine, diluted at
least 8:2 with water, is collected and stored for three weeks, meanwhile three
plots are prepared. After the storage duration of the human urine, the not stored-
diluted human urine is collected, and the human urine were applied to each plots;
plot A- diluted human urine, plot b- not diluted human urine and no treatment for
plot C. Then, the human urine was mixed with the soil in the plots. Finally, the
Okra seeds were planted. The data are taken every four days within two weeks,
every data gathered are recorded.
The data revealed that there is a significant difference between the effects of stored-diluted human urine and not stored-diluted human urine in the growth of
Okra plant in terms of height of
Bibliography: Emily Sohn. “Flush-Free Fertilizer”. http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org October 10, 2007. Jeremy Shere. “Urine Fertilizer”. http://forums2.gardenweb.com. October 22, 2007. http://www.howtodothings.com. September 17, 2007.