The word rag – means torn clothes.
Due to some or other reasons, we have cultivated an environment, where some students believe that they are seniors and therefore they have the right to be respected. There is a false sense of hierarchy, particularly in Indian mindset. There are false notions of superiority. It is a fact that this kind of ego or hierarchy is destructive at all levels. A person today wont respect his teacher or his parents, if he/ she is tortured by that – so what to talk about ragging. Respect and human dignity is a fundamental right of every person. The false notions of hierarchy and self importance, creates a spirit of ragging – where some people force others to respect them and play at their desires.
When a person joins a new institution, the person is already afraid, nervous and disturbed. In such a position, the person needs mental support – and this person is vulnerable at this stage – because he / she is in a stage of transition. He must get support from teachers and all concerned. I am against the use of senior or junior words – in an academic environment, where we wish to promote equality, fraternity – every one is equal – so this kind of spirit – the spirit of junior or senior will kill this equality which is required for true academic ambiance. True academic environment develops, where there is complete fraternity – and even teachers and directors treat others as mature human beings and give them due dignity. For cultivating mutual respect, mutual understanding – we need an environment – where people try to offer space to every person and extend a willing helping hand. True understanding develops out of close interaction and collective efforts in some focused directions. We can create a true group environment by cultivating a goal orientation and by forming groups –where people join together across different disciplines and different backgrounds.