The Agriculture sector uninterrupted engages in recreation of Pakistanis economy since independence. In the early time period it considered a dominant sector but due to the declining its performance due to the political, social, environmental and climate conditions its production yield goes down gradually and now it is the second largest sector in Pakistan. It accounting for over 21% of GDP, 45% of total labour force engaged with this sector. Around 63% of country population live in rural areas is indirectly or directly linked with this sector for their livelihood. Agriculture sector have strong linkage with the rest of the economy that is unnoticed in statistics. While on the Other hand, it is the primary supplier of raw materials to downstream industry, that contributing significantly to Pakistan’s export, it is the largest market for industrial manufactured goods such as pesticides, fertilizers, tractors and agriculture equipments.
The object of Agriculture has changed from “self-reliance” to “Commercialization” and this is called Economic operation in Agriculture. Farming supplies is now being changed instead to individual benefits but as exchange commercial business. The aim of production converted into maximization the profitable level. Similarly the concept of self-sufficiency has become changed into profit Maximization.
This research comprising the several variables having some predictors and self-sufficient. Gross Domestic product is one of the well-built indicators to measure the growth pattern of the economy. It notifies the Aggregate value of all final goods and services produced within a country over the specific time period. According to the World Bank the GDP of Pakistan was $161.99 Billion or 5,475,716 Million in PKR in the year 2009.
Predictor variable comprises five sub-sectors include Major, Minor crops, livestock’s, fisheries and forestry. Major crops consist of cotton, rice, wheat and sugarcane