1. Introduction
1.1 Agroforestry guide for what? 1.2 Agroforestry guide for whom? 1.4 What is agroforestry? 1.5 Why agroforestry? 1.5.1 To produce 1.5.2 To protect 1.6 Why agroforestry extension?
2. Agroforestry Practices
2.1 Classification agroforestry
2.2 Factors that influence agroforestry development
2.3 Working together between sectors and institutions
2.4 Agroforestry production components
3. How to Design Agroforestry
3.1 Getting started: determining the objectives of planting
3.2 Looking for things to try: an assessment of current practices
3.3 Designing field planting
3.4 Trying things out: implementing chosen approaches
3.5 Sharing the results: spreading good practice
3.6 Keeping up the process
4. Managing the Agroforestry System
4.1 Crop diversification
4.2 Tree-crop interactions
4.3 Tree choice and planting arrangement
4.4 Using perennial tree crops
4.5 Contour strips
4.6 Soil and water conservation
4.7 Soil fertility management
5. Linking Agroforestry to Livelihoods
5.1 Mushroom production
5.2 Bee-keeping
5.3 Agribusiness activities: the case of mulberry and the
5.4 Agro-industry from agroforestry: the case of resin
5.5 Fish farming and agroforestry
5.6 Medicinal plant production in agroforestry systems
5.7 Fruits, berries and nuts
5.8 Livestock and fodder production
5.9 Adding value to agroforestry products
5.10 Value chain and market access
6. How to Be a Good Extension Technician
6.1 Staff qualification
6.2 The role of an extension worker
6.3 Facilitation skills
6.4 Communication skills
6.5 Professional knowledge
6.6 The participatory extension Approach
6.7 Participatory rural appraisal
6.8 Participatory technology
6.9 Capacity building of user groups
6.10 Documenting activities
6.11 Scaling-up activities
6.12 Organizing extension for technology transfer and exchange