Zero tolerance policy is not appropriate for young adults at all times. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist, got really depressed after his fight with his mother and broke up with his girlfriend at the age of twenty-one. After he was forced to make films of beryllium in a laboratory in Cambridge, he dosed an apple and tried to poison his tutor. Though this was a severe case, the staff at Cambridge considered that it was the student’s first violation and they did not want to ruin this young gentleman’s future, so they did not file charges. Many people, including me, would argue that zero tolerance policy should be applied since the student was attempting to kill somebody. However, admittedly, the use of discretion in this matter saved Oppenheimer’s future and changed the atomic history for he was later known as, “the father of the atomic bomb” for his contribution in the Manhattan Project and the World War II project. If Oppenheimer had been expelled by Cambridge because zero tolerance policy, we might have lost a great physicist.
Additionally, on drugs and alcohol issues, zero tolerance should be carried out strictly. According to Li’s article in Dailybruin