AgyakoAgyei International Company (AAIC), a wholly owned private company into market research came up with its name as a result of the merger of the surnames of two friends Agyako and Agyei who came together to form this company. This international company, one of the world's leading research agencies was established in 1973 in Britain and has its headquarters located in Lisle, United States and has over eighty seven (87) offices in fifty eight (58) countries with Ghana being one of the offices as at March 2015. It describes its sub areas as offices and not as branches and so the one in Ghana is described as the Ghana office. With its focus on market research,AgyakoAgyei International Company through …show more content…
It should be noted however that though there are no physical HRM departments in each office, all key HRM functions which according to Armstrong (2006) are selection, appraisal, rewarding, and development are performed through the coordination of the HR units in the various offices in the sub region. For instance all the HRM representatives for every business unit or office (Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, etc) form one region and their activities are coordinated by head of HR and they hold regular meetings. Concerning specific HR activities like recruitment, performance appraisal and others, the HR representative for every business unit/office uses standard operating procedures in performing these functions. For instance when appraising employees there are clear instructions as to what to look for and to look at, when recruiting, who and how to choose among others are all agreed upon and these form the bases for operation for the HR representatives in the various …show more content…
This is deemed important because management knows the positive impact knowledge of values by the staff can have on the quality of service delivered and also because that is their guidelines in all that they do. Another strategy is that, these values are written and displayed in the office to raise awareness among employees and also it is hoped that the more employees see it, it will register on their minds and they will apply it. Every year the organisation organises a programme around one of the values and the Human Resource representative say "it is to ensure that employees know and exhibit these values in dealing with colleagues as well as clients". For instance in one of the years during the 'away day', - a day set aside where all employees travel outside the town in which the office is located and spend the day together - employees were put into groups and asked to act out any of the values of the organisation. Here, for example a case or scenario is presented and having in mind the values of the organisation you act how you would have handled the issue or situation. Employees who performed or acted appropriately are rewarded. Alongside better processes, considerable investments have been made in resources and thus modern equipment are available to