Modern day marketers embrace the concept of finding the right product for their customers (Kolter & Keller 2006). Thus by identifying and pleasing customer needs this will lead to satisfaction of current customers and the attraction of new customers (Wangenheim & Bayón 2007). For example, when Sony invented its Play Station, Gillette its Mach III razor, and Nintendo its Wii all three companies designed a product that customers desired so much they were inundated with orders before the products reached retailers (Kolter & Keller 2006).
Furthermore, by dividing consumers into groups of people that share the same needs, businesses are able to concentrate their efforts contributing to marketing success (Kennedy 2000). In 2003 Starbucks and Pepsi found and exploited the gap in the market for ready-to-drink coffee products. This proved a successful venture for the businesses and they are now market leader in the industry. However, it was not as simple as identifying customers needs. Starbucks and Pepsi produced marketing campaigns that would enhance people 's awareness of the ready-to-drink coffee and waited for the demand to catch up to the market
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