Villa of papyri (new work):
-16 rooms
-2780 sq. metres.
-detmined that it has "stepped" down the hill in levels
-possibility of more scrolls
Changing interpretations: impact on new research and technologies
New Technologies
Papyri Scroll Deciphering
-use of computer enhancement
-use of multiple spectral imaging (capturing image data at different frequencies across the electro magnetic spectrum, used 1000 nanometers)
Estelle Lazer and the skeletons of Pompeii
-Lazer worked on 300+ individual bones from Sarnoff Baths + female area of Forum baths.
-statistical studies
-based on skulls, hip/pelvis, leg and arm bones
Aim: to establish makeup of population
-use of forensic medicine and physical anthropology
- determined sex, age-at-death, heights, signs of disease and population affinities.
-determined almost equal numbers of males and females did not escape before destroyed.
-fragile children's bones have not survived in the archaeological record.
-record of children shown through plaster casts
-smaller projects based on scientific based inquiry into the health of the people.
House of Menander
-showed some skeletons found had been manipulated or faked.
-3 sets of bones incorrectly categorized.
-Lazer studied them and determined what bones they were and showed they had been manipulated post-Mauiri's excavation.
Lady of Oplontis
-first x-ray analysis of one of the casts of a victim by Lazer.
- established: female, mature aged, from 4th decade, cavities, healed fracture.
Sara Bisel
-Studied boat shed bodies in 1982-88
-no significant age or sex bias
-mean heights:
Female: 155.4
Male: 167.6
Female: 155.2
Male: 169.1
Current Neapolitan News
Female: 152.6
Male: 164
-Shows regional continuity, adequate diet, good health during bone growth.
-Hard to determines signs of disease (disease leaves no traces on bones)
-Lack of evidene for Porotic Hyperostosis suggests good