Our changing planet
1 a Match a word from the list with each of the labels A, B, C and D on the diagram of the Earth. atmosphere core crust mantle [pic]
A= core B= mantle C=crust D=atmosphere
b From which parts of the Earth do we get all of our raw materials? A atmosphere, core and crust B atmosphere, crust and oceans C atmosphere, core and mantle D core, mantle and oceans
B (1)
Alfred Wegener (http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/oils/changesrev2.shtml)
2 a About one hundred years ago there was a scientist called Alfred Wegener. He found evidence that the continents, such as South America and Africa, had once been joined and then drifted apart.
[pic] Use the diagram to suggest two pieces of evidence that could be used to show that the continents had once been joined.
The same Sedimentary rock was found on both continents containing fossils and also the shape of the east side of south America and the west side of Africa fit like a jigsaw puzzle.
Evidence for plate tectonics (http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/oils/changesrev3.shtml)
b About fifty years ago, new evidence convinced scientists that the Earth’s crust is made up of tectonic plates that are moving very slowly. Give two pieces of evidence that have helped to convince these scientists that the tectonic plates are moving.
The movement and separation of continents and Earthquakes are a result of plate movement. They are the sudden release of energy built up when plates do not move smoothly past one another
Plate tectonics (http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/oils/changesrev2.shtml)
c Describe as fully as you can what causes the Earth’s tectonic