College of Engineering and Industrial Technology
Submitted to
Engr. Aleli N. Rey
Environmental Engineering
TF 10:30-12:00
Date Submitted:
Project in ES213
Submitted by
Dela Cruz, John Gerard
Endriga, Joanna Marie S.
Espinosa, Jhon Mari
Villaruz, Darwin
Air Pollution and Meteorology
The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation to all those who made this report is its fruition. A special gratitude is extend to their professor, Engr. Aleli N. Rey, for her valuable suggestions and unstirted encouragement, in shaping this report.
Morever, the reaserchers are also heavily indebted to their parents and guardians for their unending support. Lastly, the group would also like to thank Almighty God for giving them the opportunity to complete this project.
This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Environmental Engineering under Engr. Aleli N. Rey. The report has been made solely by the authors; most of the text, however, is based on the research of others, and the researchers have done our their to provide references to these sources.
Environmental Engineering is a subject that deals with the capacity of science and technology to study and improve the environment’s condition. This report about Air Pollution and Meteorology discusses how the planet receives and maintains energy, specifically from the sun. It also discusses the natural occurrences in the atmosphere that most of people are not aware of. It shows the effects of the natural phenomena and the effects when they are altered or disturbed.
This report is hoped to provide insightful information not only to engineering students but also to the other people who will be able to read this. It will make them aware and responsible for what is happening to the atmosphere.
Table of Contents
Part I Solar Radiation Lesson 1