1.0 Executive Summary 3
2.0 Introduction – Company Background 4
2.1 Corporate Mission 5
3.0 Industry Structure 6
4.0 PEST Analysis 10
5.0 Internal and External Analysis 12
5.1 SWOT Analysis 12
6.0 Core Competencies and Competitive Advantage 14
7.0 Strategy Recommendations 16
8.0 Potential Fallout 18
9.0 Conclusion 19
10.0 Works Cited 20
1.0 Executive Summary
The aircraft industry is on the higher growth projectile due to the emerging markets in Asia and other developing countries. There is a surge in the growth of aviation industry even though there are concerns of high surge in fuel costs. The two market leaders Boeing and Airbus are gearing up to achieve greater market share by aggressive marketing and product innovations. As the market is duopolistic in nature, the rivalry between the two market leaders is on the rise, in their quest to attain leadership in the markets. An attempt is made here to perform a detailed analysis of key strengths of Airbus industry and recommend various strategic measures in order to overcome their problems relating to product delivery and internal conflicts prevailing across Airbus. The market factors are analyzed by using the porter’s five forces framework and infer an overall view of the market synergies existing in the aircraft industry.
The macroeconomic study is done by using the PEST methodology and strategic objectives are recommended, with the revelations from the SWOT analysis of the Airbus industry, with respect to the prevailing market conditions.
Airbus Industries was started as subsidiary of EADS (consortium of European Aeronautics and Defence Company was made into a wholly integrated subsidiary in 2007. This article focuses on the various internal issues due to political imbroglios prevailing between the partners, the relationship with the EADS, strategic objectives with regards to Boeing’s strategic initiatives and the certain recommendations, that are necessary for
References: 10.0 Works Cited Airbus Industrie. (2008, 06 28). Retrieved 06 28, 2008, from Airbus Industrie: http://www.airbus.com/en airbus mission. (2008, March 12). Retrieved June 27, 2008, from www.airbus.com: http://www.airbus.com/en/corporate/ethics/mission_values/ Boeing Blog. (2008). Retrieved 06 28, 2008, from Boeing Blog: http://www.boeingblogs.com/ Japans Aerospace Industry. (1997, 11 01). Retrieved 06 29, 2008, from Japans Aerospace Industry: http://wgordon.web.wesleyan.edu/papers/aerosp.htm Managing automation. (2008, 6 28). Retrieved 6 28, 2008, from Managing automation: http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/directory/browse/Accesscontrolandpersonneltracking-1325 Porter, M. (1998). Competitive Strategy. Free Press. searchcio-midmarket.com. (2003, september 19). Retrieved 6 30, 2008, from http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid183_gci214621,00.html: http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid183_gci214621,00.html