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1. What is Airmanship?
Airmanship is something very close to a `Road-Sense‟ in the air to help a pilot to fly safely. “Do the right thing at the right moment” can be regarded as a simplified meaning of airmanship. Behind this phase, there are many things that a pilot must think about if he is to fly safely. A combination of knowledge, skills, situation awareness, flight discipline, and to exercising excellent decision makings is the key for the pilot to fly safely and efficiently in the crowded skies.
The Importance of Airmanship
You will no doubt have heard the statistic that 80 percent of all aircraft accidents have „human factors‟ as one of their main causes. As aircraft have become increasingly sophisticated and reliable, accidents have become less likely to result from mechanical failure and more likely to be caused by human error. If the pilots do not has a good airmanship, accidents are very likely to be happened. Airmanship Model
Airmanship is primarily concerned with decision-making – making the right decision at the right time. Poor airmanship is often illustrated by poor decisionmaking, or even a failure to make any decisions at all.
Situational awareness
Situational awareness is prerequisite for good decisions. You can‟t make decisions unless you know you have to make one! Recognizing that something is happening, however, is not enough unless you know the significance of what has been observed. For example, suppose you notice an aircraft that appears stationary in the windscreen. What does this mean? Either that aircraft is flying directly away from you, or it is on a collision course! How do you know?
This is a relatively simple situation that we can normally appreciate intuitively, or as a result of our experiences in other aspects of our life. We have learnt through experience and knowledge that lack of relative motion means converging