The supporters of personal privacy cite a variety of arguments against government measures used to promote security. For instance, some people question the safety of body scanners used in airports. However, the strongest argument that advocates of personal privacy use is the Fourth Amendment. They claim the Fourth Amendment guarantees freedom from “unreasonable searches and seizures” (Wilson 5). Based on their interpretation of the Fourth Amendment, supporters of privacy believe this …show more content…
The Fourth Amendment can be interpreted in many different ways; in fact, it causes controversy and confusion over the topic of national security and privacy. Even though the concept of privacy was included in the Fourth Amendment, the word “privacy” never appears in the Constitution (Mills 196). The absence of the word “privacy” shows that it was not one of the main concerns being addressed when the Constitution was written. National security, on the other hand, has been an important issue addressed throughout history. Many laws have been passed to promote national security and allow government surveillance. Although some opponents of government surveillance view these measures as an infringement of their privacy, many people are willing to sacrifice privacy for the sake of national security. In March 2015, a Pew Research Report showed Americans have mixed feelings about government surveillance (Wilson 6). The “study indicated that a slight majority of Americans report being “not very” or “not at all” concerned about government surveillance” (Wilson