Abstract Service sector constitutes more than 70 percent of the GDP in many developed economies. According to the 1999 Statistical Yearbook (United Nations, 1999) service sector employment is more than 80% in United States and more than 70 percent in Canada, Japan, France, Israel, and Australia. There is no such thing as a service industry. There are only industries whose service components are greater or less than those of other industries. Everybody is in service. Many of the jobs in manufacturing are actually disguised as service jobs. The largest component of internal lead-time for a manufacturer is often in a service department. With the increasing volume of service organizations and their important role in all major industrialized economies, it was imperative for Service Operations Management (SOM) to evolve as a separate field addressing productivity and quality issues in service organizations. Consequently, a considerable body of research was built in SOM within the past decade. This paper reviews and classifies the literature on growth and challenges in service operations management and identifies some research directions for future work.
Keywords Service Sector, Manufacturing, JIT
I.Introduction The service sector is expanding very rapidly. The extraordinary growth of the service sector has focused attention on challenges of effective management of service organization and operations vastly different from the challenges faced in manufacturing settings. Due to rapid developments in information technology, globalization, changing customer needs/preferences, and the changes in relative wealth between the developed and newly developing economies, the effective management of service systems addressing productivity and quality issues will become even more important in the coming years.
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At present, he is working as associate professor in department of mechanical Engineering with DCR University of science & technology, Murthal (Sonepat) Haryana, India. His specialization area is industrial engineering and operations management. His research interests include JIT, TQM, and TPM etc.. He has published many research papers in international/national conferences/seminars/journals.