I know that most of us have learned that Bill W. created the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). However, the actual steps and traditions may have found its beginnings prior to Bill W. In the first half of the 20th century a religious organization called the Oxford Group had already been formulating a plan of self-betterment utilizing what we now call the 12 steps (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services [AAWS], 2017). Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist realized that a client of his who had addiction to alcohol could not be helped through medical intervention and referred him to the Oxford Group (AAWS, 2017). The client’s friend was also able to quit drinking through the practices and steps of the Oxford Group (AAWS, 2017). It was this man,…
Alcoholics Anonymous is an organisation dedicated to helping people recover from alcoholism. Open meetings are open to anyone, while closed meetings are only open for recovering alcoholics. Meetings are about one hour long. A major component of AA are the twelve steps as outlined in The Big Book:…
1.1, (1.2,1.3): Examples of different types of service provision including their purpose and examples of who may use them.…
1. I did not really know what exactly to expect before the meeting, because I never been to a AA meeting and I was kind of excited to go and hear peoples stories about their addictions and dependency.…
On Sunday, March 6th, I went to an AA meeting in the Heights Vietnam Veterans Memorial Building between Manhattan and Summit Avenues in NJ, Jersey City. The meeting started around 10:30 AM and ended around 11:30 AM. Before the meeting, lots of coffee, tea and donuts were served to the people. There were about 50 people that showed up to the meeting, 35 of them were males and the other 15 were females. Most of them were either old or middle aged. The meeting consisted of a podium which had about five rows of metal folding chairs facing it. On the wall behind the podium to the left of it, was a list of the twelve steps and to the right of it, was a list of the twelve traditions. The meeting began with someone reciting the twelve steps and then with the introduction of new members. After that someone else comes up to the podium, but this time with a calendar in his hands and he goes over the upcoming events. The meeting ended with everyone quietly listening to Billy’s and George’s life stories.…
Each and every single day, we walk past many different types of people that come from all walks of life and some who are the typical definition of “normal” that are battling addictions to alcohol. My eyes were opened up a great deal when I attended an open Alcoholics Anonymous meeting that had a guest speaker named James and if I would have walked past him on the street, I would have never known the internal battles that he has faced and does face everyday he gets up out of bed.…
I attended a Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting, on (fill in the blank). The person who was sharing that night was a 28-year-old woman by the name of Christine (“Chris”). She discussed her journey through the program, stating she was six months clean as of that meeting but was just getting to the point of acceptance that she did in fact have an addiction to crystal methamphetamines (“crystal meth).”…
Walking into the AA meeting made me feel very awkward and out of place, but as the meeting began and everyone started sharing their stories I began to feel comfortable about being there. When I first went in the room the chairs were set up in a circle with some on the outside of it. I decided to take a seat on the outside so I wouldn’t be of focus during the meeting. They started the meeting off with reading some inspirational words and then reading the 12 steps. Their focus tonight was on a higher power and how believing in that higher power helps you stay sober. After brief introductions and stating their names, they began discussion and whoever wanted to speak had the opportunity to do so. Listening to all of their stories was really interesting. Almost all of the members have been sober for at least 30 days and more and about four people were just recently sober, with one being sober only three days now. One of the member’s stories really stood out to me. He said that he has been an alcoholic for years now, but always believed he can cure himself and control how many drinks he has. He mentioned that he went out last week with his buddies and wasn’t able to stop himself from going overboard with the drinking. He said he was in a blackout for four days and lost his job. That’s why he ended up at the treatment center; he said he realized that it isn’t possible to be a social drinker when you are an alcoholic. During his story he explained how he had the shakes and the classic withdrawal symptoms and I began to think about what I had learned in class and related it. Another member’s story was about social drinking. She said that her friend was coming home that she knew from college and wanted to get together. She thought about the friendship and realized that she wasn’t a friend and that she was just an old party buddy. She explained that she has a whole new group of sober friends that she hangs out with and that she can’t hang out with her old friends of whom she…
When people think of substance abuse they think of cocaine, heroin, or even something horrible worse however, what gets vastly overlooked is having an abuse to drinking alcohol. As it was stated in the textbook and the review PowerPoint 70 million people suffer from alcohol dependency. Alcoholic dependence is very dangerous and life threating, but luckily there is help for this substance abuse as well. Just like in the USA countries around the world have help called alcoholics Anonymous or also known as AA meetings. Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship for men and women who may share their experiences with alcohol in hopes of trying to get better from their alcohol dependency. It is a positive treatment that comes from different…
If you are reading this letter, it means you have chosen to seek help for your addiction and by doing this, you are asking for support from fellow members and utilizing the Higher Power through an Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step program. We have to commend you for your “STRENGTH” and “COURAGE.” AGAIN, you should be very proud of yourself for making an enormous and the most important step towards recovery by admitting that you are “POWERLESS” over alcohol and secondly that your life is unmanageable and chaotic. Yet, you chose to come clean with this behavior because you want to live a healthier lifestyle away from alcohol and addiction(s). By committing to Alcoholics Anonymous, you have already chosen to “set yourself free” from alcoholism…
I attended two different meetings in my area that addressed alcoholism and compulsive gambling. Initially, it was easy to see the similarities. The overall culture was similar. People introduced themselves as either alcoholics or compulsive gamblers. There was no cross talk. Certain literature was used to guide the meeting and help it flow. It seemed as if Gamblers Anonymous was simply an offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous or any other 12-step program.…
After reading and hearing about everyone’s experience with alcohol I decided to attend an AA meeting. I chose this for two reasons, one because I wanted to see if these meeting are effective and second because after hearing everyone’s stories I began to doubt myself. I consider myself a social drinker because I like to go out and party mostly every weekend. After learning so much about alcohol I started to wonder if I depended on it in order to have fun. Honestly it is quite scary to imagine that I could possibly be in the first stages of alcoholism. The biggest impact I had this semester was while watching the film where the mother hits her daughter because she is under the influence. My parents never did that too me so I do not think my future children should have to go through that either.…
For my addiction meeting, I chose to go to an open Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting. Alcoholism is an addiction that is both, professionally and personally relevant for me. Professionally, I work at a clinical mental health center were we often see alcoholism or individuals/families in recovery. However, on a personal level my grandfather was an alcoholic, and both my partner and his father are alcoholics in recovery.…
I seem to have been going to alcoholic anonymous a group meeting that overcomes alcoholic addiction. I do tend to indulge in alcoholic tendencies to become more aware of my emotions and the stress of life. The meeting in these groups starts out when one or two members tell their stories, while discussion meetings allocate most of the time for general discussion. Some meetings are devoted to studying and discussing the AA literature. So every day of the week I would go to these seminars and group studies so that I can better my self-everyday. The Instructor did inform us that in this condition, would interfere with normal everyday functioning as it worsens. I found out during a couple of months that I might have Delirium Tremens, which is an…
About 2/5th of students in America have already tried alcohol by the end of 8th grade.…